[Numpy-discussion] Tutorial topics for SciPy'09 Conference
Fernando Perez
fperez.net at gmail.com
Mon Jun 15 03:47:29 EDT 2009
Hi all,
In order to proceed with contacting speakers, we'd now like to get
some feedback from you. This Doodle poll should take no more than a
couple of minutes to fill out (no password or registration required):
So please let us know which topics you are most interested in, and
we'll do our best to accommodate everyone. Keep in mind that speaker
availability and balancing out the topics means that the actual
tutorials offered probably won't be exactly the list of top 8 voted
topics, but the feedback will certainly help us steer the decision
Thanks for your time,
Dave Peterson and Fernando Perez
On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 10:21 PM, Fernando Perez<fperez.net at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> The time for the Scipy'09 conference is rapidly approaching, and we
> would like to both announce the plan for tutorials and solicit
> feedback from everyone on topics of interest.
> Broadly speaking, the plan is something along the lines of what we
> had last year: one continuous 2-day tutorial aimed at introductory
> users, starting from the very basics, and in parallel a set of
> 'advanced' tutorials, consisting of a series of 2-hour sessions on
> specific topics.
> We will request that the presenters for the advanced tutorials keep
> the 'tutorial' word very much in mind, so that the sessions really
> contain hands-on learning work and not simply a 2-hour long slide
> presentation. We will thus require that all the tutorials will be
> based on tools that the attendees can install at least 2 weeks in
> advance on all platforms (no "I released it last night" software).
> With that in mind, we'd like feedback from all of you on possible
> topics for the advanced tutorials. We have space for 8 slots total,
> and here are in no particular order some possible topics. At this
> point there are no guarantees yet that we can get presentations for
> these, but we'd like to establish a first list of preferred topics to
> try and secure the presentations as soon as possible.
> This is simply a list of candiate topics that various people have
> informally suggested so far:
> - Mayavi/TVTK
> - Advanced topics in matplotlib
> - Statistics with Scipy
> - The TimeSeries scikit
> - Designing scientific interfaces with Traits
> - Advanced numpy
> - Sparse Linear Algebra with Scipy
> - Structured and record arrays in numpy
> - Cython
> - Sage - general tutorial
> - Sage - specific topics, suggestions welcome
> - Using GPUs with PyCUDA
> - Testing strategies for scientific codes
> - Parallel processing and mpi4py
> - Graph theory with Networkx
> - Design patterns for efficient iterator-based scientific codes.
> - Symbolic computing with sympy
> We'd like to hear from any ideas on other possible topics of interest,
> and we'll then run a doodle poll to gather quantitative feedback with
> the final list of candidates.
> Many thanks,
> f
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