[Numpy-discussion] [ANN] SciPy 2009 conference opened up for registration
Gael Varoquaux
gael.varoquaux at normalesup.org
Fri Jun 19 10:01:58 EDT 2009
We are finally opening the registration for the SciPy 2009 conference. It
took us time, but the reason is that we made careful budget estimations
to bring the registration cost down.
We are very happy to announce that this year registration to the
conference will be only $150, sprints $100, and students get half price!
We made this effort because we hope it will open up the conference to
more people, especially students that often have to finance this trip
with little budget. As a consequence, however, catering at noon is not
This does not mean that we are getting a reduced conference. Quite on the
contrary, this year we have two keynote speakers. And what speakers:
Peter Norvig and Jon Guyer! Peter Norvig is the director of research at
Google and Jon Guyer is a research scientist at NIST, in the
Thermodynamics and Kinetics Group, where he leads a fiPy, a finite
element project in Python.
The SciPy 2009 Conference
SciPy 2009, the 8th Python in Science conference
(http://conference.scipy.org), will be held from
August 18-23, 2009 at Caltech in Pasadena, CA, USA.
Each year SciPy attracts leading figures in research and scientific
software development with Python from a wide range of scientific and
engineering disciplines. The focus of the conference is both on
scientific libraries and tools developed with Python and on scientific or
engineering achievements using Python.
Call for Papers
We welcome contributions from the industry as well as the academic world.
Indeed, industrial research and development as well academic research
face the challenge of mastering IT tools for exploration, modeling and
We look forward to hearing your recent breakthroughs using Python! Please
read the full call for papers
Important Dates
* Friday, June 26: Abstracts Due
* Saturday, July 4: Announce accepted talks, post schedule
* Friday, July 10: Early Registration ends
* Tuesday-Wednesday, August 18-19: Tutorials
* Thursday-Friday, August 20-21: Conference
* Saturday-Sunday, August 22-23: Sprints
* Friday, September 4: Papers for proceedings due
The SciPy 2009 executive committee
* Jarrod Millman, UC Berkeley, USA (Conference Chair)
* Gaël Varoquaux, INRIA Saclay, France (Program Co-Chair)
* Stéfan van der Walt, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa
* (Program Co-Chair)
* Fernando Pérez, UC Berkeley, USA (Tutorial Chair)
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