[Numpy-discussion] Proposed schedule for numpy 1.3.0

Peter Wang pwang at enthought.com
Tue Mar 3 15:04:06 EST 2009

On Mar 3, 2009, at 1:52 PM, Pierre GM wrote:

> David,
>> I also started to update the release notes:
>> http://projects.scipy.org/scipy/numpy/browser/trunk/doc/release/1.3.0-notes.rst
> I get a 404.

This is most likely a DNS issue.  Please try pinging  
projects.scipy.org from the command line, and you should see it  
resolve to the IP address  If not, then it means that  
the DNS update has not reached your network yet.  This should resolve  
itself within the next couple of hours.  If you continue to get 404s  
at that point, please let us know.

Thanks for your patience,

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