[Numpy-discussion] Segmentation fault on large arrays

Nicolas Rougier Nicolas.Rougier at loria.fr
Tue May 26 03:55:58 EDT 2009


I've come across what is probably a bug in size check for large arrays:

>>> import numpy
>>> z1 = numpy.zeros((255*256,256*256))
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: dimensions too large.
>>> z2 = numpy.zeros((256*256,256*256))
>>> z2.shape
(65536, 65536)
>>> z2[0] = 0
Segmentation fault

Note that z1 size is smaller than z2 but z2 is not told that its
dimensions are too large. This has been tested with numpy 1.3.0.


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