[Numpy-discussion] Tabular: Importing data from file

Alan G Isaac alan.isaac at gmail.com
Tue Aug 3 18:25:30 EDT 2010

On 8/3/2010 5:40 PM, Robert Faryabi wrote:
> I'm using Tabular Package for manipulating tab-delimited data.
> There is a small problem that I cannot get my head around it.
> When I construct my tabarray from file, the blank fields are replaced by "nan".
> Does any one knows how to just keep them as empty string (ie. ' ')?

My understanding is that ``tabular`` uses NumPy arrays (e.g., float arrays).
So nan is natural for missing data. If you are concerned about writing out
data as a table, substituting for nans, you could try econpy's table.py::


(See the labeler example in the module docstring.)


Alan Isaac

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