[Numpy-discussion] Polynomials

Charles R Harris charlesr.harris at gmail.com
Mon Aug 23 23:30:55 EDT 2010

Hi All,

I've gone ahead and implemented the Laguerre and Hermite (H and He)
polynomials, but at this point I'm loath to add them to numpy as the
polynomial space is getting crowded. Scipy looks like a better spot to put
these but there is already the orthogonal module there. OTOH, the orthogonal
module uses poly1d for the representation and that is numerical poison. The
versions I have use the direct series representations in the given basis for
+, -, x,  /, integration, and differentiation as well as doing direct
conversions between domains and basis without going through ordinary power
series, so that is a plus. They are also usable with mpmath for extended
precision but at the price of sticking to python for the implementation, so
they could be speeded up by restricting to doubles and complex. They don't
supply the points and weights for Gauss integration, I tend to think those
things belong under integration, but they could be included.

Anyway, I'm looking to restart the polynomial discussion before doing
something drastic so would appreciate any input.

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