[Numpy-discussion] Complex128

Ross Harder rharderlists at gmail.com
Sun Jul 18 18:26:13 EDT 2010

I don't understand the following.
>> a=np.zeros( (3,3,3), dtype='Complex128')
>>> a
array([[[0.0+0.0j, 0.0+0.0j, 0.0+0.0j],
        [0.0+0.0j, 0.0+0.0j, 0.0+0.0j],
        [0.0+0.0j, 0.0+0.0j, 0.0+0.0j]],

       [[0.0+0.0j, 0.0+0.0j, 0.0+0.0j],
        [0.0+0.0j, 0.0+0.0j, 0.0+0.0j],
        [0.0+0.0j, 0.0+0.0j, 0.0+0.0j]],

       [[0.0+0.0j, 0.0+0.0j, 0.0+0.0j],
        [0.0+0.0j, 0.0+0.0j, 0.0+0.0j],
        [0.0+0.0j, 0.0+0.0j, 0.0+0.0j]]], dtype=complex256)

i ask for Complex128 and get complex256?

if i ask for complex128 (little c) I get complex128
if i ask for complex (little c) i get complex128
if i ask for Complex (cap C) i get unrecognized type

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