[Numpy-discussion] Wiener filter / decorrelation

Jonathan Rocher jrocher at enthought.com
Tue Jan 25 16:12:59 EST 2011

Hi Daniele,

I would recommend the Numerical recipes in Fortran 77, obviously not for the
language but for its mathematical sections and its discussions of coding
algorithms efficiently. Section 13.3 is about wiener filtering with FFT.

Hope this helps,

On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 3:04 PM, Daniele Nicolodi <daniele at grinta.net>wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm trying to write a numerical implementation of Wiener filtering /
> decorrelation (extraction of a signal from noisy time series). What I'm
> trying to do is the construction of the time domain filter from a
> measurement of the power spectrum of the noise and the shape of the signal.
> However I'm encountering some problems that are beyond my knowledge of
> the matter. Can someone suggest me a reference text book, or other
> resource?
> Thank you in advance. Cheers,
> --
> Daniele
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Jonathan Rocher,
Enthought, Inc.
jrocher at enthought.com
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