[Numpy-discussion] numpy.append & numpy.where vs list.append and brute iterative for loop
Christopher Barker
Chris.Barker at noaa.gov
Thu Jan 27 16:19:43 EST 2011
On 1/27/11 1:03 PM, Dewald Pieterse wrote:
> I am processing two csv files against another, my first implementation
> used python list of lists and list.append to generate a new list while
> looping all the data including the non-relevant data (can't determine
> location of specific data element in a list of list). So I re-implented
> the exact same code but using numpy.array's (2d arrays) using
> numpy.where to prevent looping over an entire dataset needlessly but the
> numpy.array based code is about 7.6 times slower?
Didn't look at your code in any detail, but:
numpy arrays are not designed to be re-sizable, so numpy.append actually
creates a new array, and copies the old to the new, along with the new
stuff. It's a convenience function, but it means you are re-allocating
and copying all your data with each call.
python lists, on the other hand, are designed to be re-sizable, so they
pre-allocate extra room, so that appending can be fast.
In general, the recommended solution in this sort of situation is to
build up your data in a python list, then convert it to an array.
If I'm right about what you're doing you could keep the "rows" as numpy
arrays, but put them in a list while building it up.
Also, a numpy array of strings isn't necessarily a great dats structure
for this kind of data. YOu might want to look at structured arrays.
I wrote an appendable numpy array class a while back, to address this.
It has some advantages, though, as it it written, not as much as you'd
think. It does have some benifits for structured arrays, though.
Code enclosed
> relevant list of list code:
> starttime = time.clock()
> #NI_data_list room_eqp_list
> NI_data_list_new = []
> for NI_row in NI_data_list:
> treelevel = NI_row[0]
> elevation = NI_row[1]
> locater = NI_row[2]
> area = NI_row[3]
> NIroom = NI_row[4]
> #Write appropriate equipment models and drawing into new list
> if NIroom != '':
> #Write appropriate equipment models and drawing into new list
> for row in room_eqp_list:
> eqp_room = row[0]
> if len(eqp_room) == 5:
> eqp_drawing = row[1]
> if NIroom == eqp_room:
> newrow =
> [int(treelevel)+1,elevation,locater,area,NIroom,eqp_drawing]
> NI_data_list_new.append(newrow)
> #Write appropriate piping info into the new list
> for prow in unique_piping_list:
> pipe_room = prow[0]
> if len(pipe_room) == 5:
> pipe_drawing = prow[1]
> if pipe_room == NIroom:
> piperow =
> [int(treelevel)+1,elevation,locater,area,NIroom,pipe_drawing]
> NI_data_list_new.append(piperow)
> #Write appropriate equipment models and drawing into new list
> if (locater != '' and NIroom == ''):
> #Write appropriate equipment models and drawing into new list
> for row in room_eqp_list:
> eqp_locater = row[0]
> if len(eqp_locater) == 4:
> eqp_drawing = row[1]
> if locater == eqp_locater:
> newrow =
> [int(treelevel)+1,elevation,eqp_locater,area,'',eqp_drawing]
> NI_data_list_new.append(newrow)
> #Write appropriate piping info into the new list
> for prow in unique_piping_list:
> pipe_locater = prow[0]
> if len(pipe_locater) == 4:
> pipe_drawing = prow[1]
> if pipe_locater == locater:
> piperow =
> [int(treelevel)+1,elevation,pipe_locater,area,'',pipe_drawing]
> NI_data_list_new.append(piperow)
> #Rewrite NI_data to new list
> if NIroom == '':
> NI_data_list_new.append(NI_row)
> print (time.clock()-starttime)
> relevant numpy.array code:
> NI_data_write_url = reports_dir + 'NI_data_room2.csv'
> NI_data_list_file = open(NI_data_write_url, 'wb')
> NI_data_list_writer = csv.writer(NI_data_list_file, delimiter=',',
> quotechar='"')
> starttime = time.clock()
> #NI_data_list room_eqp_list
> NI_data_list_new = numpy.array([['TreeDepth', 'Elevation',
> 'BuildingLocater', 'Area', 'Room', 'Item']])
> for NI_row in NI_data_list:
> treelevel = NI_row[0]
> elevation = NI_row[1]
> locater = NI_row[2]
> area = NI_row[3]
> NIroom = NI_row[4]
> #Write appropriate equipment models and drawing into new array
> if NIroom != '':
> #Write appropriate equipment models and drawing into new array
> (rowtest, columntest) = numpy.where(room_eqp_list==NIroom)
> for row_iter in rowtest:
> eqp_room = room_eqp_list[row_iter,0]
> if len(eqp_room) == 5:
> eqp_drawing = room_eqp_list[row_iter,1]
> if NIroom == eqp_room:
> newrow =
> numpy.array([[int(treelevel)+1,elevation,locater,area,NIroom,eqp_drawing]])
> NI_data_list_new =
> numpy.append(NI_data_list_new, newrow, 0)
> #Write appropriate piping info into the new array
> (rowtest, columntest) =
> numpy.where(unique_room_piping_list==NIroom)
> for row_iter in rowtest: #unique_room_piping_list
> pipe_room = unique_room_piping_list[row_iter,0]
> if len(pipe_room) == 5:
> pipe_drawing = unique_room_piping_list[row_iter,1]
> if pipe_room == NIroom:
> piperow =
> numpy.array([[int(treelevel)+1,elevation,locater,area,NIroom,pipe_drawing]])
> NI_data_list_new =
> numpy.append(NI_data_list_new, piperow, 0)
> #Write appropriate equipment models and drawing into new array
> if (locater != '' and NIroom == ''):
> #Write appropriate equipment models and drawing into new array
> (rowtest, columntest) = numpy.where(room_eqp_list==locater)
> for row_iter in rowtest:
> eqp_locater = room_eqp_list[row_iter,0]
> if len(eqp_locater) == 4:
> eqp_drawing = room_eqp_list[row_iter,1]
> if locater == eqp_locater:
> newrow =
> numpy.array([[int(treelevel)+1,elevation,eqp_locater,area,'',eqp_drawing]])
> NI_data_list_new =
> numpy.append(NI_data_list_new, newrow, 0)
> #Write appropriate piping info into the new array
> (rowtest, columntest) =
> numpy.where(unique_room_eqp_list==locater)
> for row_iter in rowtest:
> pipe_locater = unique_room_piping_list[row_iter,0]
> if len(pipe_locater) == 4:
> pipe_drawing = unique_room_piping_list[row_iter,1]
> if pipe_locater == locater:
> piperow =
> numpy.array([[int(treelevel)+1,elevation,pipe_locater,area,'',pipe_drawing]])
> NI_data_list_new =
> numpy.append(NI_data_list_new, piperow, 0)
> #Rewrite NI_data to new list
> if NIroom == '':
> NI_data_list_new = numpy.append(NI_data_list_new,[NI_row],0)
> print (time.clock()-starttime)
> some relevant output
> >>> print NI_data_list_new
> [['TreeDepth' 'Elevation' 'BuildingLocater' 'Area' 'Room' 'Item']
> ['0' '' '1000' '' '' '']
> ['1' '' '1000' '' '' 'docname Rev 0']
> ...,
> ['5' '6' '1164' '4' '' 'eqp11 RB, R. surname, 24-NOV-08']
> ['4' '6' '1164' '4' '' 'anotherdoc Rev A']
> ['0' '' '' '' '' '']]
> Is numpy.append so slow? or is the culprit numpy.where?
> Dewald Pieterse
> "A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of
> the people take away the rights of the other forty-nine." ~ Thomas Jefferson
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Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/OR&R (206) 526-6959 voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE (206) 526-6329 fax
Seattle, WA 98115 (206) 526-6317 main reception
Chris.Barker at noaa.gov
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