[Numpy-discussion] named ndarray axes

Craig Yoshioka craigyk at me.com
Tue Jul 12 19:39:47 EDT 2011

I brought up a while ago about how it would be nice if numpy arrays could have their axes 'labeled'.    = I got an implementation that works pretty well for me and in the process learned quite a few things, and was hoping to foster some more discussion on this topic, as I think I have found a simple/flexible solution to support this at the numpy level.

Here are *some* examples code snippets from my unit tests on 'Array':

    a = Array((4,5,6))

    # you can assign data to all axes by attribute:
    a.Axes.Label = (0:'z',1:'y',2:'x'}
    # or add metadata to each individually:
    a.Axes[1].Vector = [0,1,0]
    a.Axes[2].Vector = [0,0,1]
    # simple case int indexing
    b = a[0]
    assert b.shape == (5,6)
    assert b.Axes.Label == {0:'y',1:'x'}
    assert b.Axes.Vector == {0:[0,1,0],1:[0,0,1]}

    # indexing with slices
    b = a[:,0,:]
    assert b.shape == (4,6)
    assert b.Axes.Label == {0:'z',1:'x'}
    assert b.Axes.Vector == {1:[0,0,1]}
    # indexing with ellipsis
    b = a[...,0]
    assert b.shape == (4,5)
    assert b.Axes.Label == {0:'z',1:'y'}
    # indexing with ellipsis, newaxis, etc.
    b = a[newaxis,...,2,newaxis]
    assert b.shape == (1,4,5,1)
    assert b.Axes.Label == {1:'z',2:'y'}

    # indexing with lists
    b = a[[1,2],:,[1,2]]
    assert b.shape == (2,5)
    assert b.Axes.Label == {0:'z',1:'y'}
    # most interesting examples, indexing with axes labels---------------- 
    # I was a bit confused about how to handle indexing with mixed axes/non-axes indexes
    # IE: what does a['x',2:4]  mean?  on what axis is the 2:4 slice being applied, the first? the first after 'x'?
    #       One option is to disallow mixing (simpler to implement, understand?)
    #       Instead I chose to treat the axis indexing as a forced assignment of an axis to a position.
    # axis indexing that transposes the first two dimensions, but otherwise does nothing
    b = a['y','z']
    assert b.shape == (5,4,6)
    assert b.Axes.Label == {0:'y',1:'z',2:'x'}
    # abusing slices to allow specifying indexes for axes 
    b = a['y':0,'z']
    assert b.shape == (4,6)
    assert b.Axes.Label == {0:'z',1:'x'}
    # unfortunately that means a slice index on an axis must be written like so:
    b = a['y':slice(0,2),'x','z']
    assert b.shape == (2,6,4)
    assert b.Axes.Label == {0:'y',1:'x',2:'z'}

    b = a['y':[1,2,3],'x','z':slice(0:1)]
    # or due to the forced transposition, this is the same as:
    c = a['y','x','z'][[1,2,3],:,0:1]

    assert b.shape == (3,6,1)
    assert b.Axes.Label == {0:'y',1:'x',2:'z'}
    assert b.shape == c.shape
    assert b.Axes == c.Axes


To do all this I essentially had to recreate the effects of numpy indexing on axes....  This is not ideal, but so far I seem to have addressed most of the indexing I've used, at least. Here is what __getitem__ looks like:

    def __getitem__(self,idxs):
        filtered_idxs,transposed_axes,kept_axes = self.idx_axes(idxs)
        array = self.view(ndarray).transpose(transposed_axes)
        array = array[filtered_idxs]
        if isinstance(array,ndarray):
            array = array.view(Array)
            array.Axes = self.Axes.keep(kept_axes)
        return array  

As you can see idx_axes() essentially recreates a lot of ndarray indexing behavior, so that its effects can be explicitly handled.

Having done all this, I think the best way for numpy to support 'labeled' axes in the future is by having numpy itself keep track of a very simple tuple attribute, like shape, and leave more complex axis naming/labeling to subclasses on the python side.  As an example, upon creating a new dimension in an array, numpy assigns that dimension a semi-unique id, and this tuple could be used in __array_finalize__.

For example my __array_finalize__ could look like:

def __array_finalize__(self,obj):
    if hasattr(obj,'axesdata'):
         for axesid in self.axes:
              if axesid in obj.axes:
                   self.axesdata[axesid] = obj.axesdata[axesid]

This would cover a lot more situations and lead to much simpler code since the work required on the C side would be minimal, but still allow robust and custom tracking and propagation of axes information.
Subclasses that tap into this data would react to the result of numpy operations vs. having to predict/anticipate.

For example, my __getitem__, relying on the __array_finalize__ above, could look like:
    def __getitem__(self,idxs):
        filtered_idxs,transposed_axes= self.idx_axes(idxs)
        array = self.transpose(transposed_axes)
        return array[filtered_idxs]

Not shown is how much simpler and robust the code for idx_axes would then be.  I estimate it would go from 130 loc to < 20 loc.

Sorry for the extra long e-mail,

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