[Numpy-discussion] named ndarray axes

Craig Yoshioka craigyk at me.com
Wed Jul 13 19:15:06 EDT 2011

Yup exactly.  To enable this sort of tracking I needed to explicitly reverse-engineer the effects of indexing on axes.  I figure overriding indexing catches most cases that modify axes, but other holes need to be plugged as well... ie: tranpose, swapaxes.  This probably means most C functions that change array axes (np.mean(axis=), etc.) need to be covered as well.... that sucks.  

BTW, it sounds like you're trying to track very similar data.  I am trying to load structural biology data formats, and I try to preserve as much of the metadata as possible, ie: I am encoding unit cell length/angle information as vectors, etc.

Here is my implementation:

    def __getitem__(self,idxs):
        idxs,trans,keep = idx_axes(self,idxs)
        array = self.view(np.ndarray).transpose(trans)
        array = array[idxs]
        if isinstance(array,ndarray):
            array = array.view(self.__class__)
            array.axes = self.axes.transpose(keep)
        return array

def idx_axes(array,idxs):
    # explicitly expand ellipsis
    expanded_idxs = idx_expanded(array.ndim,idxs)
    # determine how the axes will be rearranged as a result of axes-based indexing
    # and the creation of newaxes
    remapped_axes = idx_axes_remapped(array.ndim,array.axes,expanded_idxs)
    # determine numpy compatible transpose, before newaxes are created
    transposed_axes = idx_axes_transposed(remapped_axes)
    # determine numpy compatible indexes with axes-based indexing removed
    filtered_idxs = idx_filtered(expanded_idxs)
    # determine which axes will be kept after numpy indexing
    kept_axes = idx_axes_kept(remapped_axes,filtered_idxs)
    return filtered_idxs,transposed_axes,kept_axes

def idx_expanded(ndim,idxs):
    explicitly expands ellipsis taking into account newaxes
    if not isinstance(idxs,tuple):
        return idx_expanded(ndim,(idxs,))
    # how many dimensions we will end up having
    ndim = ndim + idxs.count(newaxis)
    filler = slice(None)
    def skip_ellipsis(idxs):
        return tuple([filler if isinstance(x,type(Ellipsis)) else x for x in idxs])
    def fill_ellipsis(ndim,l,r):
        return (filler,)*(ndim-len(l)-len(r))
    # expand first ellipsis, treat all other ellipsis as slices
    if Ellipsis in idxs:
        idx = idxs.index(Ellipsis)
        llist = idxs[:idx]
        rlist = skip_ellipsis(idxs[idx+1:])
        cfill = fill_ellipsis(ndim,llist,rlist)
        idxs = llist + cfill + rlist
    return idxs

def idx_filtered(idxs):
    replace indexes on axes with normal numpy indexes
    def axisAsIdx(idx):
        if isinstance(idx,str):
            return slice(None)
        elif isinstance(idx,slice):
            if isinstance(idx.start,str):
                return idx.stop
        return idx
    return tuple([axisAsIdx(x) for x in idxs])

def idx_axes_remapped(ndim,axes,idxs):
    if given a set of array indexes that contain labeled axes,
    return a tuple that maps axes in the source array to the axes
    as they will end up in the destination array.  Must take into
    account the spaces created by newaxis indexes.
    # how many dims are we expecting?
    ndim = ndim + idxs.count(newaxis)
    # new unique object for marking unassigned locations in mapping
    unassigned = object()
    # by default all locations are unsassigned
    mapping = [unassigned] * ndim
    # find labels in indexes and set the dims for those locations
    for dim,label in enumerate(idxs):
        if label == newaxis:
            mapping[dim] = label
        elif isinstance(label,str):
            mapping[dim] = axes.dimForLabel(label)
        elif isinstance(label,slice):
            if isinstance(label.start,str):
                mapping[dim] = axes.dimForLabel(label.start)
    # find unassigned dims, in order
    unmapped = [d for d in range(ndim) if d not in set(mapping)]
    # fill in remaining unassigned locations with dims
    for dst,src in enumerate(mapping):
        if src == unassigned:
            mapping[dst] = unmapped.pop(0)
    return tuple(mapping)

def idx_axes_transposed(mapping):
    stripping out newaxes in mapping yields a tuple compatible with transpose
    return tuple([x for x in mapping if x != newaxis])

def idx_axes_kept(mapping,idxs):
    remove axes from mapping that will not survive the indexing (ie: ints)
    kept = []
    first_list = True
    for dst,src in enumerate(mapping):
        if dst < len(idxs):
            idx = idxs[dst]
            if isinstance(idx,int):
            elif isinstance(idx,list):
                if not first_list:
                first_list = False
        kept += [src]
    return tuple(kept)

On Jul 13, 2011, at 3:13 PM, Sam Quinan wrote:

> I'm currently working on interfacing ndarrays with a custom C-representation
> for n-dimensional arrays. My custom C code provides additional per-axis
> information (labeling, spacing between samples / range of sample positions
> along the axis, axis direction, cell vs.node centering, etc.) Subclassing
> ndarray to hold onto this info is fairly simple, but getting numpy's methods
> to intelligently modify that information when the array is sliced is
> something that I'm still trying to figure out.
> A robust way to attach per-axis info to a given ndarray, whether it just be
> a label or some more complex structure, would definitely be something I (and
> likely others) would find useful...
> That said, I'd love to know more about how the idx_axes() structure in your
> workaround works...
> - Sam
> On 7/13/11 12:00 PM, "numpy-discussion-request at scipy.org"
> <numpy-discussion-request at scipy.org> wrote:
>> Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2011 16:39:47 -0700
>> From: Craig Yoshioka <craigyk at me.com>
>> Subject: [Numpy-discussion] named ndarray axes
>> To: NumPy-Discussion at scipy.org
>> Message-ID: <0FC8B43E-26CD-40ED-A6FA-59DD8D641998 at me.com>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; CHARSET=US-ASCII
>> I brought up a while ago about how it would be nice if numpy arrays could have
>> their axes 'labeled'.    = I got an implementation that works pretty well for
>> me and in the process learned quite a few things, and was hoping to foster
>> some more discussion on this topic, as I think I have found a simple/flexible
>> solution to support this at the numpy level.
>> Here are *some* examples code snippets from my unit tests on 'Array':
>>    a = Array((4,5,6))
>>    # you can assign data to all axes by attribute:
>>    a.Axes.Label = (0:'z',1:'y',2:'x'}
>>    # or add metadata to each individually:
>>    a.Axes[1].Vector = [0,1,0]
>>    a.Axes[2].Vector = [0,0,1]
>>    # simple case int indexing
>>    b = a[0]
>>    assert b.shape == (5,6)
>>    assert b.Axes.Label == {0:'y',1:'x'}
>>    assert b.Axes.Vector == {0:[0,1,0],1:[0,0,1]}
>>    # indexing with slices
>>    b = a[:,0,:]
>>    assert b.shape == (4,6)
>>    assert b.Axes.Label == {0:'z',1:'x'}
>>    assert b.Axes.Vector == {1:[0,0,1]}
>>    # indexing with ellipsis
>>    b = a[...,0]
>>    assert b.shape == (4,5)
>>    assert b.Axes.Label == {0:'z',1:'y'}
>>    # indexing with ellipsis, newaxis, etc.
>>    b = a[newaxis,...,2,newaxis]
>>    assert b.shape == (1,4,5,1)
>>    assert b.Axes.Label == {1:'z',2:'y'}
>>    # indexing with lists
>>    b = a[[1,2],:,[1,2]]
>>    assert b.shape == (2,5)
>>    assert b.Axes.Label == {0:'z',1:'y'}
>>    # most interesting examples, indexing with axes labels----------------
>>    # I was a bit confused about how to handle indexing with mixed
>> axes/non-axes indexes
>>    # IE: what does a['x',2:4]  mean?  on what axis is the 2:4 slice being
>> applied, the first? the first after 'x'?
>>    #       One option is to disallow mixing (simpler to implement,
>> understand?)
>>    #       Instead I chose to treat the axis indexing as a forced assignment
>> of an axis to a position.
>>    # axis indexing that transposes the first two dimensions, but otherwise
>> does nothing
>>    b = a['y','z']
>>    assert b.shape == (5,4,6)
>>    assert b.Axes.Label == {0:'y',1:'z',2:'x'}
>>    # abusing slices to allow specifying indexes for axes
>>    b = a['y':0,'z']
>>    assert b.shape == (4,6)
>>    assert b.Axes.Label == {0:'z',1:'x'}
>>    # unfortunately that means a slice index on an axis must be written like
>> so:
>>    b = a['y':slice(0,2),'x','z']
>>    assert b.shape == (2,6,4)
>>    assert b.Axes.Label == {0:'y',1:'x',2:'z'}
>>    b = a['y':[1,2,3],'x','z':slice(0:1)]
>>    # or due to the forced transposition, this is the same as:
>>    c = a['y','x','z'][[1,2,3],:,0:1]
>>    assert b.shape == (3,6,1)
>>    assert b.Axes.Label == {0:'y',1:'x',2:'z'}
>>    assert b.shape == c.shape
>>    assert b.Axes == c.Axes
>> #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> -----------
>> To do all this I essentially had to recreate the effects of numpy indexing on
>> axes....  This is not ideal, but so far I seem to have addressed most of the
>> indexing I've used, at least. Here is what __getitem__ looks like:
>>    def __getitem__(self,idxs):
>>        filtered_idxs,transposed_axes,kept_axes = self.idx_axes(idxs)
>>        array = self.view(ndarray).transpose(transposed_axes)
>>        array = array[filtered_idxs]
>>        if isinstance(array,ndarray):
>>            array = array.view(Array)
>>            array.Axes = self.Axes.keep(kept_axes)
>>        return array
>> As you can see idx_axes() essentially recreates a lot of ndarray indexing
>> behavior, so that its effects can be explicitly handled.
>> Having done all this, I think the best way for numpy to support 'labeled' axes
>> in the future is by having numpy itself keep track of a very simple tuple
>> attribute, like shape, and leave more complex axis naming/labeling to
>> subclasses on the python side.  As an example, upon creating a new dimension
>> in an array, numpy assigns that dimension a semi-unique id, and this tuple
>> could be used in __array_finalize__.
>> For example my __array_finalize__ could look like:
>> def __array_finalize__(self,obj):
>>    if hasattr(obj,'axesdata'):
>>         for axesid in self.axes:
>>              if axesid in obj.axes:
>>                   self.axesdata[axesid] = obj.axesdata[axesid]
>> This would cover a lot more situations and lead to much simpler code since the
>> work required on the C side would be minimal, but still allow robust and
>> custom tracking and propagation of axes information.
>> Subclasses that tap into this data would react to the result of numpy
>> operations vs. having to predict/anticipate.
>> For example, my __getitem__, relying on the __array_finalize__ above, could
>> look like:
>>    def __getitem__(self,idxs):
>>        filtered_idxs,transposed_axes= self.idx_axes(idxs)
>>        array = self.transpose(transposed_axes)
>>        return array[filtered_idxs]
>> Not shown is how much simpler and robust the code for idx_axes would then be.
>> I estimate it would go from 130 loc to < 20 loc.
>> Sorry for the extra long e-mail,
>> -Craig
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