[Numpy-discussion] [ANN] Euroscipy 2011 - registration now open

Emmanuelle Gouillart emmanuelle.gouillart at normalesup.org
Sat Jun 25 04:24:02 EDT 2011

	Dear all,

After some delay due to technical problems, registration for Euroscipy
2011 is now open! Please go to
http://www.euroscipy.org/conference/euroscipy2011, login to your account
if you have one, or create a new account (right side of the upper banner
of the Euroscipy webpage), then click on the registration panel on the
sidebar on the left. Choose the items (tutorials and/or conference) that
you wish to attend to, and proceed to pay for your items by credit card.

Early-bird registration fees are as follows:

* for academia, and self-employed persons: 50 euros for the tutorials
(two days), and 50 euros for the conference (two days).
 * for corporate participants: 100 euros for tutorials (two days), and
100 euros for the conference (two days).

For all days, lunch will be catered for and is included in the fee.

Early-bird fees apply until July 24th; prices will be doubled for late
registration. Book early to take advantage of the early-bird prices! As
there is a limited number of seats in the lecture halls, registrations
shall be accepted on a first-come first-serve basis.

All questions regarding registration should be addressed exclusively to
org-team at lists.euroscipy.org

Looking forward to seeing you at Euroscipy!

The organizers

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