[Numpy-discussion] np.histogramdd of empty data

Nils Becker n.becker at amolf.nl
Tue Mar 22 06:28:51 EDT 2011


I was wondering why histogram2d and histogramdd raise a ValueError when
fed with empty data of the correct dimensions. I came across this as a
corner case when calling histogram2d from my own specialized histogram

In comparison, histogram does handle this case correctly when bins are
specified explicitely (obviously automatic binning cannot work without

np.histogram([], bins=([0,1]))
(array([0]), array([0, 1]))

np.histogram2d([],[], bins=([0,1],[0,1]))
ValueError: zero-size array to ufunc.reduce without identity

np.histogramdd([[],[]], bins=([0,1],[0,1]))
ValueError: zero-size array to ufunc.reduce without identity

cheers, nils

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