[Numpy-discussion] Issue tracking

Thouis (Ray) Jones thouis at gmail.com
Fri Oct 19 21:34:18 EDT 2012

On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 4:46 PM, Thouis (Ray) Jones <thouis at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 11:20 AM, Thouis (Ray) Jones <thouis at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I started the import with the oldest 75 and newest 125 Trac issues,
>> and will wait a few hours to do the rest to allow feedback, just in
>> case something is broken that I haven't noticed.
>> I did make one change to better emulate Trac behavior.  Some Trac
>> usernames are also email addresses, which Trac anonymizes in its
>> display.  I decided it was safer to do the same.
> The import is running again, though I've been having some failures in
> a few comments and general hangs (these might be network related).
> I'm keeping track of which issues might have had difficulties.
> @endolith noticed that I didn't correctly relink #XXX trac id numbers
> to github id numbers (both trac and github create links
> automatically), so that will have to be handled by a postprocessing
> script (which it probably would have, anyway, since the github # isn't
> known before import).

Import has finished.

The following trac #s had issues in creating the comments (I think due
to network problems): 182, 297, 619, 621, 902, 904, 909 913, 914, 915,
1044, 1526.  I'll review them and see if I can pull in anything

I'll also work on a script for updating the trac crossrefs to github crossrefs.

In the "no good deed goes unpunished" category, I accidentally logged
in as myself (rather than numpy-gitbot) and pushed about 500 issues,
so now I receive updates whenever one of them gets changed.  At least
most of them were closed, already...


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