[Numpy-discussion] Finding the same value in List

Happyman bahtiyor_zohidov at mail.ru
Wed Apr 17 05:32:26 EDT 2013

 Hi Todd,
Greaaat thanks for your help.. By the way, the first one (I think) is much simpler.. I tested it and ,of course, it is 1D, but it is also a good idea to consider it for Ndimensional.
I prefer the first one! Do you you think first version is okay to use? 

Среда, 17 апреля 2013, 11:02 +02:00 от Todd <toddrjen at gmail.com>:
>On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 10:46 AM, Todd  < toddrjen at gmail.com > wrote:
>>x,i=numpy.unique(y, return_inverse=True)
>>f=[numpy.where(i==ind) for ind in range(len(x))]
>A better version would be (np.where returns tuples, but we don't want tuples):
>x,i=numpy.unique(y, return_inverse=True)
>f=[numpy.where(i==ind)[0] for ind in range(len(x))]
>You can also do it this way, but it is much harder to read IMO:
>f=numpy.split(numpy.argsort(y), numpy.nonzero(numpy.diff(numpy.sort(y)))[0]+1)
>This version figures out the indexes needed to put the values of y in sorted order (the same order x uses), then splits it into sub-arrays based on value.  The principle is simpler but the implementation looks like clear to me.
>Note that these are only guaranteed to work on 1D arrays, I have not tested them on multidimensional arrays
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