[Numpy-discussion] numpy array to C API

Daniele Nicolodi daniele at grinta.net
Thu Mar 21 05:04:39 EDT 2013

On 21/03/2013 09:45, Valentin Haenel wrote:
> if you are new to interfacing python/numpy with C/C++, you may want to
> check out:
> http://scipy-lectures.github.com/advanced/interfacing_with_c/interfacing_with_c.html
> Disclaimer: I am the author of this chapter, so this response is a bit
> of a shameless plug :D

Hello Valentin,

I had a quick look at the chapter. It looks good! Thanks for sharing it.

However I have a small comment on the way you implement the Cython-Numpy
solution. I would have written the loop over the array element in Cython
itself rather than in a separately compiled C function. This would have
the advantage of presenting more capabilities of Cython and would
slightly decrease the complexity of the solution (one source file
instead of two).


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