[Numpy-discussion] PyArray_BASE equivalent in python

Peter Rennert p.rennert at cs.ucl.ac.uk
Tue Nov 26 14:54:36 EST 2013


I as the title says, I am looking for a way to set in python the base of 
an ndarray to an object.

Use case is porting qimage2ndarray to PySide where I want to do 
something like:

In [1]: from PySide import QtGui

In [2]: image = 

In [3]: import numpy as np

In [4]: a = np.frombuffer(image.bits())

--> I would like to do something like:
In [5]: a.base = image

--> to avoid situations such as:
In [6]: del image

In [7]: a
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

The current implementation of qimage2ndarray uses a C function to do

     PyArray_BASE(sipRes) = image;

But I want to avoid having to install compilers, headers etc on target 
machines of my code just for these two lines of code.



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