[Numpy-discussion] BLAS and LAPACK ABI questions (mostly OSX related)

Sturla Molden sturla.molden at gmail.com
Mon Jun 9 07:40:55 EDT 2014

Matthew Brett <matthew.brett at gmail.com> wrote:

> Is it possible this is related to:
> https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/4007

Possibly, but it seems to be in _dotblas which uses cblas. NumPy has its
own cblas.h. Perhaps it conflicts with Apple's? 

Apple's documentation says that cblas_sdot returns float, but knowing Apple
this might not be accurate. OK, time to locate cblas.h on my MacBook...

> or even:
> https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/4776

No. This happens because Accelerate and GCD are not designed to be

One can argue that this bug is actually in multiprocessing and not in NumPy
or Accelerate, since BLAS is not a part of POSIX. Only POSIX functions are
required to be fork safe. Python 3.4 has a fix for it by allowing spawn
(fork+exec) to be used instead of fork. It will never be fixed on Python
2.7 unless someone backports multiprocessing from Python 3.4. 

BTW: GotoBLAS2 is also affected by this problem, not just Accelerate. MKL
and Atlas are safe, and so is OpenBLAS from master at GitHub.


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