[Numpy-discussion] ANN: NumPy 1.9.0 beta release

Christoph Gohlke cgohlke at uci.edu
Mon Jun 9 19:21:57 EDT 2014

On 6/8/2014 1:34 PM, Julian Taylor wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm happy to announce the fist beta release of Numpy 1.9.0.
> 1.9.0 will be a new feature release supporting Python 2.6 - 2.7 and 3.2
> - 3.4.
> Due to low demand windows binaries for the beta are only available for
> Python 2.7, 3.3 and 3.4.
> Please try it and report any issues to the numpy-discussion mailing list
> or on github.
> The 1.9 release will consists of mainly of many small improvements and
> bugfixes. The highlights are:
> * Addition of __numpy_ufunc__ to allow overriding ufuncs in ndarray
> subclasses. Please note that there are still some known issues with this
> mechanism which we hope to resolve before the final release (e.g. #4753)
> * Numerous performance improvements in various areas, most notably
> indexing and operations on small arrays are significantly faster.
> Indexing operations now also release the GIL.
> * Addition of nanmedian and nanpercentile rounds out the nanfunction set.
> The changes involve a lot of small changes that might affect some
> applications, please read the release notes for the full details on all
> changes:
> https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/maintenance/1.9.x/doc/release/1.9.0-notes.rst
> Please also take special note of the future changes section which will
> apply to the following release 1.10.0 and make sure to check if your
> applications would be affected by them.
> Source tarballs, windows installers and release notes can be found at
> https://sourceforge.net/projects/numpy/files/NumPy/1.9.0b1
> Cheers,
> Julian Taylor


I tested numpy-MKL-1.9.0b1 (msvc9, Intel MKL build) on win-amd64-py2.7 
against a few other packages that were built against numpy-MKL-1.8.x.

While numpy and scipy pass all tests, some other packages (matplotlib, 
statsmodels, skimage, pandas, pytables, sklearn...) show a few new test 
failures (compared to testing with numpy-MKL-1.8.1). Many test errors 
are of kind:

     ValueError: shape mismatch: value array of shape (24,) could not be 
broadcast to indexing result of shape (8,3)

I have attached a list of failing tests. The full test results are at 
(compare to 

I have not investigated any further...

-------------- next part --------------
matplotlib 1.3.1

ERROR: test suite for <class 'matplotlib.tests.test_triangulation.test_tri_smooth_contouring'>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\nose\suite.py", line 208, in run
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\nose\suite.py", line 291, in setUp
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\nose\suite.py", line 314, in setupContext
    try_run(context, names)
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\nose\util.py", line 470, in try_run
    return func()
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\testing\decorators.py", line 102, in setup_class
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\tests\test_triangulation.py", line 715, in test_tri_smooth_contouring
    tri_refi, z_test_refi = refiner.refine_field(z0, subdiv=4)
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\tri\trirefine.py", line 179, in refine_field
    subdiv=subdiv, return_tri_index=True)
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\tri\trirefine.py", line 125, in refine_triangulation
    ] = np.repeat(ancestors[ancestor_mask], 3)
ValueError: shape mismatch: value array of shape (13824,) could not be broadcast to indexing result of shape (4608,3)

ERROR: test suite for <class 'matplotlib.tests.test_triangulation.test_tri_smooth_gradient'>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\nose\suite.py", line 208, in run
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\nose\suite.py", line 291, in setUp
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\nose\suite.py", line 314, in setupContext
    try_run(context, names)
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\nose\util.py", line 470, in try_run
    return func()
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\testing\decorators.py", line 102, in setup_class
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\tests\test_triangulation.py", line 752, in test_tri_smooth_gradient
    tri_refi, z_test_refi = refiner.refine_field(V, subdiv=3)
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\tri\trirefine.py", line 179, in refine_field
    subdiv=subdiv, return_tri_index=True)
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\tri\trirefine.py", line 125, in refine_triangulation
    ] = np.repeat(ancestors[ancestor_mask], 3)
ValueError: shape mismatch: value array of shape (5376,) could not be broadcast to indexing result of shape (1792,3)

ERROR: matplotlib.tests.test_triangulation.test_triinterp
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\nose\case.py", line 197, in runTest
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\tests\test_triangulation.py", line 306, in test_triinterp
    (interp_dzsdx, interp_dzsdy) = cubic_user.gradient(x, y)
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\tri\triinterpolate.py", line 435, in gradient
    return_keys=('dzdx', 'dzdy'))
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\tri\triinterpolate.py", line 208, in _interpolate_multikeys
    return_key, valid_tri_index, valid_x, valid_y) * scale
TypeError: NumPy boolean array indexing assignment requires a 0 or 1-dimensional input, input has 2 dimensions

ERROR: matplotlib.tests.test_triangulation.test_triinterpcubic_C1_continuity
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\nose\case.py", line 197, in runTest
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\tests\test_triangulation.py", line 405, in test_triinterpcubic_C1_continuity
    check_continuity(interp, (ax, ay), values[:, 0])
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\tests\test_triangulation.py", line 366, in check_continuity
    (dzx, dzy) = interpolator.gradient([loc_x], [loc_y])
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\tri\triinterpolate.py", line 435, in gradient
    return_keys=('dzdx', 'dzdy'))
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\tri\triinterpolate.py", line 208, in _interpolate_multikeys
    return_key, valid_tri_index, valid_x, valid_y) * scale
TypeError: NumPy boolean array indexing assignment requires a 0 or 1-dimensional input, input has 2 dimensions

ERROR: matplotlib.tests.test_triangulation.test_trirefine
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\nose\case.py", line 197, in runTest
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\tests\test_triangulation.py", line 880, in test_trirefine
    refined_triang, refined_z = refiner.refine_field(z, subdiv=1)
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\tri\trirefine.py", line 179, in refine_field
    subdiv=subdiv, return_tri_index=True)
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\tri\trirefine.py", line 116, in refine_triangulation
    found_index[refi_triangles] = np.repeat(ancestors, 3)
ValueError: shape mismatch: value array of shape (24,) could not be broadcast to indexing result of shape (8,3)

pandas 0.14.0

ERROR: test_interp_regression (pandas.tests.test_generic.TestSeries)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\pandas\tests\test_generic.py", line 501, in test_interp_regression
    interp_s = ser.reindex(new_index).interpolate(method='pchip')
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\generic.py", line 2582, in interpolate
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\internals.py", line 2197, in interpolate
    return self.apply('interpolate', **kwargs)
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\internals.py", line 2164, in apply
    applied = getattr(b, f)(**kwargs)
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\internals.py", line 667, in interpolate
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\internals.py", line 733, in _interpolate
    interp_values = np.apply_along_axis(func, axis, data)
  File "D:\Build\Test\numpy-build\numpy\lib\shape_base.py", line 86, in apply_along_axis
    res = func1d(arr[tuple(i.tolist())], *args, **kwargs)
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\internals.py", line 730, in func
    bounds_error=False, **kwargs)
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\common.py", line 1489, in interpolate_1d
    bounds_error=bounds_error, **kwargs)
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\common.py", line 1541, in _interpolate_scipy_wrapper
    new_y = method(x, y, new_x)
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\scipy\interpolate\_monotone.py", line 221, in pchip_interpolate
    return P(x)
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\scipy\interpolate\_monotone.py", line 98, in __call__
    out = self._bpoly(x, der, extrapolate)
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\scipy\interpolate\interpolate.py", line 673, in __call__
    self._evaluate(x, nu, extrapolate, out)
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\scipy\interpolate\interpolate.py", line 1071, in _evaluate
    self.x, x, nu, bool(extrapolate), out, self.c.dtype)
  File "_ppoly.pyx", line 846, in scipy.interpolate._ppoly.evaluate_bernstein (scipy\interpolate\_ppoly.c:15014)
  File "stringsource", line 622, in View.MemoryView.memoryview_cwrapper (scipy\interpolate\_ppoly.c:23370)
  File "stringsource", line 327, in View.MemoryView.memoryview.__cinit__ (scipy\interpolate\_ppoly.c:19922)
ValueError: buffer source array is read-only

statsmodels 0.5.0

ERROR: statsmodels.emplike.tests.test_aft.Test_AFTModel.test_beta_vect
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\nose\case.py", line 197, in runTest
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\statsmodels\emplike\tests\test_aft.py", line 34, in test_beta_vect
    assert_almost_equal(self.res1.test_beta([3.5, -.035], [0, 1]),
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\statsmodels\emplike\aft_el.py", line 481, in test_beta
    llr, pval, new_weights = reg_model.el_test(b0_vals, param_nums, return_weights=True)  # Needs to be changed
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\statsmodels\regression\linear_model.py", line 1519, in el_test
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\statsmodels\emplike\elregress.py", line 58, in _opt_nuis_regress
    params[nuis_param_index] = nuisance_params
ValueError: shape mismatch: value array of shape (2,) could not be broadcast to indexing result of shape (0,)

ERROR: statsmodels.emplike.tests.test_origin.TestOrigin.test_ci_beta
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\nose\case.py", line 197, in runTest
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\statsmodels\emplike\tests\test_origin.py", line 35, in test_ci_beta
    ci = self.res1.conf_int_el(1)
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\statsmodels\emplike\originregress.py", line 256, in conf_int_el
    lowerl = optimize.brentq(f, lower_bound, self.params[param_num])
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\scipy\optimize\zeros.py", line 415, in brentq
    r = _zeros._brentq(f,a,b,xtol,rtol,maxiter,args,full_output,disp)
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\statsmodels\emplike\originregress.py", line 255, in <lambda>
    stochastic_exog=stochastic_exog)[0] - r0
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\statsmodels\emplike\originregress.py", line 202, in el_test
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\statsmodels\regression\linear_model.py", line 1519, in el_test
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\statsmodels\emplike\elregress.py", line 58, in _opt_nuis_regress
    params[nuis_param_index] = nuisance_params
ValueError: shape mismatch: value array of shape (2,) could not be broadcast to indexing result of shape (0,)

ERROR: statsmodels.emplike.tests.test_origin.TestOrigin.test_hypothesis_beta1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\nose\case.py", line 197, in runTest
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\statsmodels\emplike\tests\test_origin.py", line 31, in test_hypothesis_beta1
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\statsmodels\emplike\originregress.py", line 202, in el_test
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\statsmodels\regression\linear_model.py", line 1519, in el_test
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\statsmodels\emplike\elregress.py", line 58, in _opt_nuis_regress
    params[nuis_param_index] = nuisance_params
ValueError: shape mismatch: value array of shape (2,) could not be broadcast to indexing result of shape (0,)

sklearn 0.14.1

ERROR: sklearn.tests.test_common.test_regressors_train
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\nose\case.py", line 197, in runTest
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\sklearn\tests\test_common.py", line 798, in test_regressors_train
    assert_raises(ValueError, regressor.fit, X, y[:-1])
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\unittest\case.py", line 473, in assertRaises
    callableObj(*args, **kwargs)
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\sklearn\linear_model\least_angle.py", line 937, in fit
    for train, test in cv)
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\sklearn\externals\joblib\parallel.py", line 516, in __call__
    for function, args, kwargs in iterable:
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\sklearn\linear_model\least_angle.py", line 937, in <genexpr>
    for train, test in cv)
IndexError: index 199 is out of bounds for axis 1 with size 199

FAIL: sklearn.utils.tests.test_extmath.test_random_weights
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\nose\case.py", line 197, in runTest
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\sklearn\utils\tests\test_extmath.py", line 68, in test_random_weights
    assert_true(np.all(score.ravel() == w[:, :5].sum(1)))
AssertionError: False is not true

skimage 0.10.0

ERROR: test_join.test_relabel_sequential_offset1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\nose\case.py", line 197, in runTest
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\skimage\segmentation\tests\test_join.py", line 30, in test_relabel_sequential_offset1
    ar_relab, fw, inv = relabel_sequential(ar)
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\skimage\segmentation\_join.py", line 127, in relabel_sequential
    forward_map[labels0] = np.arange(offset, offset + len(labels0) + 1)
ValueError: shape mismatch: value array of shape (6,) could not be broadcast to indexing result of shape (5,)

ERROR: test_join.test_relabel_sequential_offset5
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\nose\case.py", line 197, in runTest
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\skimage\segmentation\tests\test_join.py", line 42, in test_relabel_sequential_offset5
    ar_relab, fw, inv = relabel_sequential(ar, offset=5)
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\skimage\segmentation\_join.py", line 127, in relabel_sequential
    forward_map[labels0] = np.arange(offset, offset + len(labels0) + 1)
ValueError: shape mismatch: value array of shape (6,) could not be broadcast to indexing result of shape (5,)

ERROR: test_join.test_relabel_sequential_offset5_with0
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\nose\case.py", line 197, in runTest
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\skimage\segmentation\tests\test_join.py", line 54, in test_relabel_sequential_offset5_with0
    ar_relab, fw, inv = relabel_sequential(ar, offset=5)
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\skimage\segmentation\_join.py", line 127, in relabel_sequential
    forward_map[labels0] = np.arange(offset, offset + len(labels0) + 1)
ValueError: shape mismatch: value array of shape (6,) could not be broadcast to indexing result of shape (5,)

ERROR: test_join.test_relabel_sequential_dtype
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\nose\case.py", line 197, in runTest
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\skimage\segmentation\tests\test_join.py", line 66, in test_relabel_sequential_dtype
    ar_relab, fw, inv = relabel_sequential(ar, offset=5)
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\skimage\segmentation\_join.py", line 127, in relabel_sequential
    forward_map[labels0] = np.arange(offset, offset + len(labels0) + 1)
ValueError: shape mismatch: value array of shape (6,) could not be broadcast to indexing result of shape (5,)

tables 3.1.1

ERROR: test05b_modifyColumns (tables.tests.test_nestedtypes.WriteNoReopen)
Modifying two nested columns (modify_columns).
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\tables\tests\common.py", line 144, in newmethod
    return oldmethod(self, *args, **kwargs)
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\tables\tests\test_nestedtypes.py", line 527, in test05b_modifyColumns
  File "D:\Build\Test\numpy-build\numpy\core\records.py", line 519, in fromarrays
    arrayList = [sb.asarray(x) for x in arrayList]
  File "D:\Build\Test\numpy-build\numpy\core\numeric.py", line 461, in asarray
    return array(a, dtype, copy=False, order=order)
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\tables\table.py", line 3549, in __iter__
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\tables\table.py", line 1975, in read
    arr = self._read(start, stop, step, field, out)
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\tables\table.py", line 1879, in _read
ValueError: output array size invalid, got 8 bytes, need 16 bytes

ERROR: test05b_modifyColumns (tables.tests.test_nestedtypes.WriteReopen)
Modifying two nested columns (modify_columns).
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\tables\tests\common.py", line 144, in newmethod
    return oldmethod(self, *args, **kwargs)
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\tables\tests\test_nestedtypes.py", line 527, in test05b_modifyColumns
  File "D:\Build\Test\numpy-build\numpy\core\records.py", line 519, in fromarrays
    arrayList = [sb.asarray(x) for x in arrayList]
  File "D:\Build\Test\numpy-build\numpy\core\numeric.py", line 461, in asarray
    return array(a, dtype, copy=False, order=order)
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\tables\table.py", line 3549, in __iter__
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\tables\table.py", line 1975, in read
    arr = self._read(start, stop, step, field, out)
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\tables\table.py", line 1879, in _read
ValueError: output array size invalid, got 8 bytes, need 16 bytes

bottleneck 0.8.0

FAIL: Test nansum.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\nose\case.py", line 197, in runTest
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\bottleneck\tests\func_test.py", line 80, in unit_maker
    assert_array_equal(actual, desired, err_msg)
  File "D:\Build\Test\numpy-build\numpy\testing\utils.py", line 734, in assert_array_equal
    verbose=verbose, header='Arrays are not equal')
  File "D:\Build\Test\numpy-build\numpy\testing\utils.py", line 623, in assert_array_compare
    chk_same_position(x_isnan, y_isnan, hasval='nan')
  File "D:\Build\Test\numpy-build\numpy\testing\utils.py", line 603, in chk_same_position
    raise AssertionError(msg)
Arrays are not equal

func nansum | input a24 (float32) | shape (0L,) | axis -1

Input array:

x and y nan location mismatch:
 x: array(nan, dtype=float32)
 y: array(0.0, dtype=float32)

FAIL: Test move_nansum.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\nose\case.py", line 197, in runTest
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\bottleneck\tests\move_test.py", line 63, in unit_maker
  File "D:\Build\Test\numpy-build\numpy\testing\utils.py", line 836, in assert_array_almost_equal
  File "D:\Build\Test\numpy-build\numpy\testing\utils.py", line 623, in assert_array_compare
    chk_same_position(x_isnan, y_isnan, hasval='nan')
  File "D:\Build\Test\numpy-build\numpy\testing\utils.py", line 603, in chk_same_position
    raise AssertionError(msg)
Arrays are not almost equal to 5 decimals

func move_nansum | window 1 | input a6 (float32) | shape (4L,) | axis -1

Input array:
[ nan   1.   2.   3.]

x and y nan location mismatch:
 x: array([ nan,   1.,   2.,   3.], dtype=float32)
 y: array([ 0.,  1.,  2.,  3.], dtype=float32)

pyfits 3.2.4

ERROR: pyfits.tests.test_table.TestTableFunctions.test_mask_array
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\nose\case.py", line 197, in runTest
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\pyfits\tests\test_table.py", line 962, in test_mask_array
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\pyfits\hdu\base.py", line 1646, in writeto
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\pyfits\hdu\hdulist.py", line 644, in writeto
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\pyfits\hdu\table.py", line 384, in _prewriteto
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\pyfits\fitsrec.py", line 1015, in _scale_back
    dummy[idx] = val + (pad * (itemsize - len(val)))
ValueError: assignment destination is read-only

milk 0.5.3

FAIL: milk.tests.test_pdist.test_pdist
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\nose\case.py", line 197, in runTest
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\milk\tests\test_pdist.py", line 11, in test_pdist
    assert np.allclose(Dxx[i,j], np.sum((X[i]-X[j])**2))

FAIL: milk.tests.test_pdist.test_plike
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\nose\case.py", line 197, in runTest
  File "X:\Python27-x64\lib\site-packages\milk\tests\test_pdist.py", line 27, in test_plike
    assert Lxx[0,0] == Lxx2[0,0]

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