[Numpy-discussion] numpy 1.9b1 bug in pad function?

Stéfan van der Walt stefan at sun.ac.za
Sat Jun 14 06:39:12 EDT 2014

Hi Nadav

On Sat, Jun 14, 2014 at 8:11 AM, Nadav Horesh <nadavh at visionsense.com> wrote:
> In [4]: np.__version__
> Out[4]: '1.9.0b1'
> The documentation specify that the mode parameter is optional

I don't see the optional specification in the docstring.  Perhaps
because mode=None in the signature?

The reason is that then, if you do not specify the signature (as in
your case), you get the following helpful message:

ValueError: Keyword "mode" must be a function or one of ['reflect',
'linear_ramp', 'edge', 'constant', 'minimum', 'wrap', 'symmetric',
'median', 'maximum', 'mean'].

Instead of

pad() takes exactly 3 arguments (2 given)


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