[Numpy-discussion] Implementing elementary matrices

Matt Pagan matt at pagan.io
Sun Mar 23 23:06:35 EDT 2014

I made a patch for NumPy that adds a function for easily creating
elementary matrices. Sorry for not knowing the process for submitting

Is this function something the NumPy community could see adding to the
codebase? Are there ways I can improve on this?

diff --git a/numpy/lib/twodim_base.py b/numpy/lib/twodim_base.py
index 12c0f9b..10073af 100644
--- a/numpy/lib/twodim_base.py
+++ b/numpy/lib/twodim_base.py
@@ -967,3 +967,85 @@ def triu_indices_from(arr, k=0):
     if not (arr.ndim == 2 and arr.shape[0] == arr.shape[1]):
         raise ValueError("input array must be 2-d and square")
     return triu_indices(arr.shape[0], k)
+def elem(N, i, j=None, t=None, dtype=float):
+    """
+    Return an elementary matrix.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    N : int
+        The size of the NxN array to be returned. Elementary matrices
+        should be square.
+    i : int
+        The index of the first row on which operations are to be
+        performed.
+    j : int
+        If set, the index of the second row of which operations are to
+        be performed.
+    t : scalar
+        If set, the factor by which a given row will be multiplied.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    m: ndarray of shape (NxN)
+       The identity matrix after a single row operation has been
+       performed on it.
+    See also
+    --------
+    eye, identity
+    Examples
+    -------
+    To swap the the first and third rows of a 4x4 identity matirx:
+    >>> L = elem(4, 0, 2)
+    >>> L
+    array([[ 0.,  0.,  1.,  0.],
+           [ 0.,  1.,  0.,  0.],
+           [ 1.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
+           [ 0.,  0.,  0.,  1.]])
+    This array then becomes quite useful for matrix multiplication.
+    >>> H = np.matrix([[ 2,  3,  5,  7],
+           [11, 13, 17, 19],
+           [23, 29, 31, 37],
+           [41, 43, 47, 53]])
+    >>> L*H
+    matrix([[ 23.,  29.,  31.,  37.],
+            [ 11.,  13.,  17.,  19.],
+            [  2.,   3.,   5.,   7.],
+            [ 41.,  43.,  47.,  53.]])
+    When the elemntary matrix is multiplied by the given matrix, the
+    result is the given matrix with it's first and third rows swapped.
+    If the given matrix is multiplied by the elementary matrix (i.e.,
+    the multiplication takes place in reverse order, the result is
+   the given matrix with its first and third columns swapped.
+    >>> H*L
+    matrix([[  5.,   3.,   2.,   7.],
+            [ 17.,  13.,  11.,  19.],
+            [ 31.,  29.,  23.,  37.],
+            [ 47.,  43.,  41.,  53.]])
+    """
+    m=eye(N, dtype=dtype)
+    if j==None and t==None:
+        raise ValueError("One or more of %s and %s must be set." % \
+            ('j', 't'))
+        return None
+    elif t==None:
+        swap = np.array(m[i])
+        m[i] = m[j]
+        m[j] = swap
+        return m
+    elif j==None:
+        m[i] *= t
+        return m
+    else:
+        m[j] += (t * m[i])
+        return m

Matt Pagan
matt at pagan.io
PGP: 0xE9284418E360583C

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