[Numpy-discussion] np.gradient

Matthew Brett matthew.brett at gmail.com
Sat Oct 18 21:23:46 EDT 2014


On Sat, Oct 18, 2014 at 6:17 PM, Nathaniel Smith <njs at pobox.com> wrote:
> Okay! I think I now actually understand what was going on with
> np.gradient! The discussion has been pretty confused, and I'm worried
> that what's in master right now is not the right solution, which is a
> problem because we're supposed to cut 1.9.1 tomorrow.
> Background:
> np.gradient computes gradients using a finite difference method.
> Wikipedia has a good explanation of how this works:
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Numerical_differentiation
> The key point is that there are multiple formulas one can use that all
> converge to the derivative, e.g.
>    (f(x + h) - f(x)) / h
> or
>    (f(x + h) - f(x - h)) / 2h
> The first is the textbook definition of the derivative. As h -> 0, the
> error in that approximation shrinks like O(h). The second formula also
> converges to the derivative as h -> 0, but it converges like O(h^2),
> i.e., much faster. And there's are many many formulas like this with
> different trade-offs:
>    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finite_difference_coefficient
> In practice, given a grid of values of f(x) and a grid stepsize of h,
> all of these formulas come down to doing a simple convolution of the
> data with certain coefficients (e.g. [-1/h, 1/h] or [-1/2h, 0, 1/2h]
> for the two formulas above).
> Traditionally np.gradient has used the second formula above, with its
> quadratically diminishing error term, for interior points in the grid.
> For points on the boundary of the grid, though, this formula has a
> problem, b/c it requires you look at points to both the left and the
> right of the current point -- but for boundary points one of these
> doesn't exist. In such situations np.gradient has traditionally used
> the first formula instead (the "forward (or backward) finite
> difference approximation with linear error", where
> "forward"/"backward" means that it works on the boundary). As the web
> page linked above shows, though, there's an easy alternative formula
> that works on

Did you lose some text here?

> The change in numpy 1.9.0 that has caused all the fuss, is that we
> switched to using the quadratically accurate approximation instead of
> the linearly accurate approximation for boundary points.
> This had two effects:
> 1) it produced (hopefully small) changes in the calculation for the
> boundaries. In general these should have made the calculations more
> accurate, but apparently this did cause problems for some people who
> wanted perfectly reproducible output.
> 2) it tickled a nasty bug in how gradient and masked arrays work
> together. It turns out gradient applied to masked arrays has always
> been seriously buggy; there's some horribleness in the masked array
> implementation that means the output array that np.gradient is writing
> into ends up sharing a mask array with the input. So as we go along
> calculating the output, we also mutate the input. This can definitely
> corrupt the input, for example here:
>     https://gist.github.com/njsmith/551738469b74d175e039
> ...and I strongly suspect it's possible to find cases where it means
> you get the wrong answer.
> For mysterious reasons involving the order in which values were
> calculated or something, the version of np.gradient in 1.9.0 tickled
> this bug in a much worse manner, with early mutations to the input
> array ended up affecting later calculations using the same input
> array, causing cascading errors. This is the cause of the massive
> problems that matplotlib encountered in their test suite:
>     https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/issues/3598#issuecomment-58859663
> There's a proposed fix for the masked array issues at:
>     https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/5203
> For the reasons described above, I would be very wary about using
> *any* currently released version of np.gradient on masked arrays. A
> workaround would be to make a local copy of the definition of
> np.gradient, and immediately after the 'out' array is allocated do
> 'out.mask = out.mask.copy()'.
> Once this bug is fixed, the "new" gradient code produces results which
> are identical to the "old" gradient code on the interior; only the
> boundary is different.
> ------
> So here are my concerns:
> - We decided to revert the changes to np.gradient in 1.9.1 (at least
> by default). I'm not sure how much of that decision was based on the
> issues with masked arrays, though, which turns out to be a different
> issue entirely. The previous discussion conflated the two issues
> above.
> - We decided to gate the more-accurate boundary calculation behind a
> kwarg called "edge_order=2". AFAICT now that I actually understand
> what this code is doing, this is a terrible name -- we're using a
> 3-coefficient kernel to compute a quadratically accurate approximation
> to a first-order derivative. There probably exist other kernels that
> are also quadratically accurate. "Order 2" simply doesn't refer to
> this in any unique or meaningful way. And it will be even more
> confusing if we ever add the option to select which kernel to use on
> the interior, where "quadratically accurate" is definitely not enough
> information to uniquely define a kernel. Maybe we want something like
> edge_accuracy=2 or edge_accuracy="quadratic" or something? I'm not
> sure.
> - If edge_order=2 escapes into a release tomorrow then we'll be stuck with it.
> Some possible options for 1.9.1:
> - Just revert the entire np.gradient code to match 1.8, and put off a
> real fix until 1.9. This at least avoids getting stuck with a poor
> API.
> - Put the masked array bug fix into 1.9.1, and leave the gradient code
> the same as 1.9.0; put off designing a proper API for selecting the
> old behavior for 1.9.2. (Or 1.10 I guess.) This doesn't solve the pure
> reproduceability problems, but it might be enough to make matplotlib
> work again at least?
> - Delay 1.9.1 to rehash the issues and make a decision on what we want
> to support long-term.

Excellent summary, thanks for doing all the work to get to the bottom
of the problem.

Is there any significant disadvantage to delaying the 1.9.1 release
for a few days?

I would appreciate a short delay to see if it's possible to agree a
workaround for the OSX Accelerate bug :
https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/5205 - but in any case, unless
there is a compelling reason to release tomorrow, it seems reasonable
to take the time to agree on a good solution to the np.gradient API.



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