[Numpy-discussion] Proposal of timeline for dropping Python 2.7 support

Bryan Van de ven bryanv at anaconda.com
Thu Nov 9 14:43:35 EST 2017

> On Nov 9, 2017, at 13:35, Charles R Harris <charlesr.harris at gmail.com> wrote:
> One thing worth considering might be making the release that drops 2.7 NumPy 2.0 just so that there is a clear break point. Then if someone wants to continue the 1.x line of releases supporting 2.7 they can do so. ISTR that git now has some features that might aid in that. If the `requires` bit works well with pip then we can also share the same pip page (maybe).

I personally think this is definitely advisable. FWIW Bokeh will definitely be bumping major numbers when dropping Python 2 support, or classic notebook support, etc. 


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