[Numpy-discussion] Deprecate matrices in 1.15 and remove in 1.17?

Chris Laumann chris.laumann at gmail.com
Thu Nov 30 11:20:09 EST 2017

+1 (not that my lurking vote should necessarily carry much weight). Rip it out asap.

The existence of the matrix class has been literally the single biggest source of confusion and subtle bugs in my and my students' codes for years. 

Best, Chris

> On Nov 30, 2017, at 9:23 AM, Marten van Kerkwijk <m.h.vankerkwijk at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I wondered if the move to python3-only starting with numpy 1.17 would
> be a good reason to act on what we all seem to agree: that the matrix
> class was a bad idea, with its overriding of multiplication and lack
> of support for stacks of matrices. For 1.17, minimum python supposedly
> is >=3.5, so we will be guaranteed to have the matrix multiply
> operator @ available, and hence there is arguably even less of a case
> for keeping the matrix class; removing it would allow taking out quite
> a bit of accumulated special-casing (the immediate reasons for writing
> this were gh-10123 and 10132).
> What do people think? If we do go in this direction, we might want to
> add PendingDeprecationWarning for 1.15 (maybe DeprecationWarning for
> python3; for python2 matrix would never disappear).
> All the best,
> Marten
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