[Numpy-discussion] Introduction: NumPy developers at BIDS

Stefan van der Walt stefanv at berkeley.edu
Fri Apr 6 02:08:24 EDT 2018

Hi everyone,

I am excited to report that we have completed the hiring of two full
time NumPy developers at BIDS [0].

Matti Picus has done extensive work on the PyPy project and specifically
cpyext, their C compatibility layer that allows PyPy to run NumPy.  In
the course of this work, Matti has also been contributing to NumPy
itself.  He will officially start on Monday.

Tyler Reddy joins us from Los Alamos National Lab for a two year
sabbatical.  Tyler has been working mainly on SciPy, and will start at
BIDS late in June.

We are very excited about this opportunity to develop NumPy further,
together with the NumPy community, and look forward to making in-person
introductions at SciPy2018 in July.

Best regards,

[0] Berkeley Institute for Data Science at UC Berkeley

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