[Numpy-discussion] New NEP: merging multiarray and umath

Marten van Kerkwijk m.h.vankerkwijk at gmail.com
Thu Mar 8 11:34:34 EST 2018

I think part of the problem is that ufuncs actually have two parts: a
generic interface, which turns all its arguments into ndarray (or
calls `__array_ufunc__`) and an ndarray-specific implementation of the
given function (partially, just the iterator, partially the inner
loop). The latter could logically be moved to
`ndarray.__array_ufunc__` (and thus to `multiarray`). In that case,
`umath` would hardly depend on `multiarray` any more.

But perhaps this is a bit besides the point: building the two at the
same time would go a long way to making it easier to do a move like
the above.

-- Marten

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