[Numpy-discussion] Efficiency of Numpy wheels and simple way to benchmark Numpy installation?

PIERRE AUGIER pierre.augier at univ-grenoble-alpes.fr
Sun May 27 11:27:12 EDT 2018


I don't know if it is a good place to ask such questions. As advised here https://www.scipy.org/scipylib/mailing-lists.html#stackoverflow, I first posted a question on stackoverflow:


Since I got no feedback, I try here. My questions are:

- When we care about performance, is it a good practice to rely on wheels (especially for Numpy)? Will it be slower than using (for example) a conda built Numpy?

- Are there simple commands to benchmark Numpy installations and get a good idea of their overall performance?

I explain a little bit more in the stackoverflow question...

Pierre Augier

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