[Numpy-discussion] out parameter for np.fromfile

Marten van Kerkwijk m.h.vankerkwijk at gmail.com
Mon Nov 5 09:36:39 EST 2018

Hi Mark,

Having an `out` might make sense. With present numpy, if you are really
dealing with a file or file-like object, you might consider using
`np.memmap` to access the data more directly. If it is something that looks
more like a buffer, `np.frombuffer` may be useful (that doesn't copy data,
but points the array at the memory that holds the buffer).

All the best,


On Sun, Nov 4, 2018 at 10:35 PM Mark Harfouche <mark.harfouche at gmail.com>

> I was wondering what would your thoughts be on adding an output parameter
> to np.fromfile?
> The advantage would be when interfacing with executables like ffmpeg
> which are arguably easier to use by calling them as a subprocess compared
> to a shared library in python.
> Having the output parameter in np.fromfile would enable pre-allocation of
> large arrays that are reused during the computation of new image frames
> when decoding large video files.
> Thoughts are appreciated!
> Mark
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