[Numpy-discussion] Replacement for Rackspace

Matti Picus matti.picus at gmail.com
Mon Aug 10 16:19:42 EDT 2020

On 8/10/20 10:54 PM, Peter Wang wrote:
> FWIW, we're happy to provide wheel hosting for statsmodels on 
> anaconda.org <http://anaconda.org>.
> -Peter
> On Fri, Aug 7, 2020 at 8:01 AM Kevin Sheppard 
> <kevin.k.sheppard at gmail.com <mailto:kevin.k.sheppard at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     The Rackspace hosted wheel endpoints at
>     https://7933911d6844c6c53a7d-47bd50c35cd79bd838daf386af554a83.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.com/
>     and
>     https://3f23b170c54c2533c070-1c8a9b3114517dc5fe17b7c3f8c63a43.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.com/
>     seem to not be working.  I know NumPy, SciPy, pandas and
>     scikit-learn are all using a common end point on anacona.org
>     <http://anacona.org>. Statsmodels is preparing for  release, and
>     the wheel builder at
>     https://github.com/MacPython/statsmodels-wheels is failing at
>     upload.  Is there any shared resource for uploading nightlies and
>     release wheels?  Or should we just use a separate account on
>     anaconda.org <http://anaconda.org>?
>     Thanks,
>     Kevin
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Thanks Peter, anaconda is generously hosting projects at 
https://anaconda.org/scipy-wheels-nightly/ (for weekly development 
releases that can be used to test downstream projects) and 
https://anaconda.org/multibuild-wheels-staging (for staging wheels to be 
tested for release on PyPI).

The trick is that CI needs a token so it can upload to those 
organizations. Kevin, we can either add you to the groups you can create 
a token, or one of the current members could create tokens and transport 
them safely to Kevin. Please disucss it with me (or one of the other 
members https://anaconda.org/multibuild-wheels-staging/groups).


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