[Numpy-discussion] NumPy dtype API improvement suggestion

Sebastian Berg sebastian at sipsolutions.net
Mon Jul 27 09:46:45 EDT 2020

On Sun, 2020-07-26 at 17:31 +0100, Kevin Sheppard wrote:
> Better would be to have an object like NamedTuple in typing that
> would allow
> class Point(DType):
>     x: np.int16
>     y: np.int16

I agree with this type of use case (whatever the syntax is). But I
think there are too many small issues around it currently to do that in
NumPy.  For that the new DTypes need to move along a bit further, so
that we do not lock-in nice syntax with features that have lots of
quirks. See also:

I think you could do much of such syntax now, but I would suggest to do
it outside of NumPy proper (at least the experimentation) at this time
for that reason. Hopefully, it won't be too long until we can think of
creating such API for good inside NumPy.



> On Sun, Jul 26, 2020 at 3:22 PM Eyal Kutz <eyal.kutz at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I am interested in suggesting an API improvement for NumPy.
> > I wish to make it so that the following code:
> > @np.dtype
> > class Point:
> >     x: np.int16
> >     y: np.int16
> > would be equivalent to the following code:
> > Point = np.dtype([('x', np.int16), ('y', np.int16)])
> > 
> > I am willing to submit the code changes required to make this
> > happen.
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