[Numpy-discussion] ANN: SfePy 2020.1

Robert Cimrman cimrman3 at ntc.zcu.cz
Tue Mar 31 13:26:49 EDT 2020

I am pleased to announce release 2020.1 of SfePy.


SfePy (simple finite elements in Python) is a software for solving systems of
coupled partial differential equations by the finite element method or by the
isogeometric analysis (limited support). It is distributed under the new BSD

Home page: http://sfepy.org
Mailing list: https://mail.python.org/mm3/mailman3/lists/sfepy.python.org/
Git (source) repository, issue tracker: https://github.com/sfepy/sfepy

Highlights of this release

- reading/writing of additional mesh formats by using meshio [2]
- Python 3 only from now on

For full release notes see [1].

Robert Cimrman

[1] http://docs.sfepy.org/doc/release_notes.html#id1
[2] https://github.com/nschloe/meshio


Contributors to this release in alphabetical order:

Robert Cimrman
Lubos Kejzlar
Vladimir Lukes

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