[Numpy-discussion] Update the Code of Conduct Committee Membership (new members wanted)

Warren Weckesser warren.weckesser at gmail.com
Sat May 2 16:22:35 EDT 2020

On 5/2/20, Ralf Gommers <ralf.gommers at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 23, 2020 at 11:38 PM Sebastian Berg
> <sebastian at sipsolutions.net>
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> it has come up in the last community call that many of our committee
>> membership lists have not been updated in a while.
>> This is not a big issue as such.  But, while these committees are not
>> very active on a day-to-day basis, they are an important part of the
>> community and it is better to update them regularly and thus also
>> ensure they remain representative of the community.
> Thanks Sebastian!
>> We would like to start by updating the members of the Code of Conduct
>> (CoC) committee.  The CoC committee is in charge of responding and
>> following up to any reports of CoC breaches, as stated in:
>> https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/dev/conduct/code_of_conduct.html#incident-reporting-resolution-code-of-conduct-enforcement
>> If you are interested in or happy to serve on our CoC committee please
>> let me or e.g. Ralf Gommers know, join the next community meeting
>> (April 29th, 11:00PDT/18:00UTC), or reply on the list.
>> I hope we will be able to discuss and reach a consensus between those
>> interested and involved quickly (possibly already on the next community
>> call).  In either case, before any changes they will be run by the
>> mailing list to ensure community consensus.
> Following up on this: Melissa and Anirudh both volunteered for this (thank
> you!), and in the last community call we discussed this (thumbs up from
> everyone there), and gave me the assignment to follow up on this list.
> Both Melissa and Anirudh have experience with CoC's, Melissa for the SciPy
> conference and Anirudh in the MXNet community. They're also two of the most
> active current contributors. So it will be great to have them on the
> committee.
> We also discussed that it would be good to have at least one current member
> remain, to have one steering council member who knows the project history
> well on the committee. Both Stefan and I have said that we're happy to stay
> on. So I would suggest that Stefan and I get together and figure out who of
> us that will be. And then we update the website and the CoC committee's
> private email list.

Sounds good.  Thanks Sebastian, Ralf, Anirudh and Melissa!


> Cheers,
> Ralf

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