[Numpy-discussion] Attempting to wrap a Fortran-77 subroutine using f2py but I haven't been able to understand what is causing the error
Samuel Dupree
sdupree at speakeasy.net
Mon Oct 19 12:03:13 EDT 2020
Thank you for answering my post. I made the changes you recommended and
the code compiles successfully. But I do have one question. The arrays
being passed in the CALL to FCN were treated as assumed shaped arrays in
the called subroutine. Are assumed shaped arrays a problem for f2py?
Sam Dupree.
On October/19/2020 09:16:02, Melissa Mendonça wrote:
> Hello, Sam, sorry for taking so long to answer!
> The problem seems to be that you are using
> cf2py depend(in) Y, YP
> instead of
> cf2py depend(n) Y, YP <- (note that there was a spurious i in that
> depend expression)
> and that the callback FCN needs the dimension n as an argument. I was
> able to compile your code correctly after making these changes.
> If you have any further questions let me know, I hope this helps.
> Cheers,
> Melissa
> On Wed, Oct 14, 2020 at 4:03 AM Samuel Dupree <sdupree at speakeasy.net
> <mailto:sdupree at speakeasy.net>> wrote:
> I'm attempting to wrap a Fortran-77 source member using f2py. I'm
> running he Anaconda distribution for Python 3.7.6 on a Mac Pro (2019)
> under Mac OS X Catalina (ver. 10.15.6). The version of NumPy I'm
> running
> is 1.18.3.
> I've attached a copy of the Fortran source code to this note (see
> rkfn78.for). The command I'm using to wrap this code is
> f2py3 -c rkfn78.for --fcompiler=gfortran --f77flags="-c -O -Wall"
> -m rkfn78
> The output I get is captured in the file rkfn78_build_output.txt.
> I don't understand the cause behind the error message I get, so any
> advice would be welcomed.
> Sam Dupree.
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