[Numpy-discussion] Type annotation for Numpy arrays, accelerators and numpy.typing

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at gmail.com
Tue Feb 16 05:50:48 EST 2021

On Tue, Feb 16, 2021 at 10:20 AM PIERRE AUGIER <
pierre.augier at univ-grenoble-alpes.fr> wrote:

> Hi,
> When Numpy 1.20 was released, I discovered numpy.typing and its
> documentation https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/typing.html
> I know that it is very new but I'm a bit lost. A good API to describe
> Array type would be useful not only for type checkers but also for Python
> accelerators using ndarrays (in particular Pythran, Numba, Cython,
> Transonic).
> For Transonic, I'd like to be able to use internally numpy.typing to have
> a better implementation of what we need in transonic.typing (in particular
> compatible with type checkers like MyPy).
> However, it seems that I can't do anything with what I see today in
> numpy.typing.

> For Python-Numpy accelerators, we need to be able to define precise array
> types to limit the compilation time and give useful hints for optimizations
> (ndim, partial or full shape). We also need fused types.

Hi Pierre, I think what you are getting at is that ArrayLike isn't useful
for accelerators, right?  ArrayLike is needed to add annotations to
functions that use np.asarray to coerce their inputs, which may be scalars,
lists, etc. That's indeed never what you want for an accelerator, and it'd
be great if people stopped writing that kind of code - but we're stuck with
a lot of it in SciPy and many other downstream libraries.

For your purposes, I think you want one of two things:
1. functions that only take `ndarray`, or maybe at most `Union[float,
2. perhaps in the future, a well-defined array Protocol, to support
multiple array types (this is hinted at in

You don't need numpy.typing for (1), you can directly annotate with `x :

> What can be done with Transonic is described in these pages:
> https://transonic.readthedocs.io/en/latest/examples/type_hints.html and
> https://transonic.readthedocs.io/en/latest/generated/transonic.typing.html
> I think it would be good to be able to do things like that with
> numpy.typing. It may be already possible but I can't find how in the doc.

Two things that are still work-in-progress are annotating arrays with
dtypes and with shapes. Your examples already have that, so that's useful
input. For C/F-contiguity, I believe that's useful but normally shouldn't
show up in user-facing APIs (only in internal helper routines) so probably
less urgent.

For dtype annotations, a lot of work is being done at the moment by Bas van
Beek. Example: https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/18128. That all turns
out to be quite complex, because there's so many valid ways of specifying a
dtype. It's the same kind of flexibility problem as with `asarray` - the
complexity is needed to correctly type current code in NumPy, SciPy et al.,
but it's not what you want for an accelerator. For that you'd want to
accept only one way of spelling this, `dtype=<one of a fixed set of dtype

> I can give few examples here. First very simple:
> from transonic import Array
> Af3d = Array[float, "3d"]
> # Note that this can also be written without Array just as
> Af3d = "float[:,:,:]"
> # same thing but only contiguous C ordered
> Af3d = Array[float, "3d", "C"]
> Note: being able to limit the compilation just for C-aligned arrays is
> very important since it can drastically decrease the compilation
> time/memory and that some numerical kernels are anyway written to be
> efficient only with C (or Fortran) ordered arrays.
> # 2d color image
> A_im = Array[np.int16, "[:,:,3]"]
> Now, fused types. This example is taken from a real life case (
> https://foss.heptapod.net/fluiddyn/fluidsim/-/blob/branch/default/fluidsim/base/time_stepping/pseudo_spect.py)
> so it's really useful in practice.

Yes definitely useful, there's also a lot of Cython code in downstream
libraries that shows this.

Annotations for fused types, when dtypes are just type literals, should
hopefully work out of the box with TypeVar without us having to do anything
special in numpy.


> from transonic import Type, NDim, Array, Union
> N = NDim(2, 3, 4)
> A = Array[np.complex128, N, "C"]
> Am1 = Array[np.complex128, N - 1, "C"]
> N123 = NDim(1, 2, 3)
> A123c = Array[np.complex128, N123, "C"]
> A123f = Array[np.float64, N123, "C"]
> T = Type(np.float64, np.complex128)
> A1 = Array[T, N, "C"]
> A2 = Array[T, N - 1, "C"]
> ArrayDiss = Union[A1, A2]
> To summarize, type annotations are and will also be used for Python-Numpy
> accelerators. It would be good to also consider this application when
> designing numpy.typing.
> Cheers,
> Pierre
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