[Numpy-discussion] EHN: Discusions about 'add numpy.topk'

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at gmail.com
Mon May 31 12:26:53 EDT 2021

On Sun, May 30, 2021 at 10:01 AM Matti Picus <matti.picus at gmail.com> wrote:

> Did this function come up at all in the array-API consortium dicussions?

It happens to be in this list of functions which was made last week:
https://github.com/data-apis/array-api/issues/187. That list is potential
next candidates, based on them being implemented in most but not all
libraries. There was no real discussion on `topk` specifically though.

The current version of the array API standard basically contains
functionality that is either common to all libraries, or that NumPy has and
most other libraries have as well. Given how much harder it is to get
functions into NumPy than in other libraries, the "most libraries have it,
NumPy does not" set of functions was not investigated much yet. That's also
the reason NEP 47 doesn't have any new functions to be added to NumPy
except for `from_dlpack`, but only consistency changes like adding keepdims
keywords, stacking for linalg functions that are missing that, etc.

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