[Numpy-discussion] EHN: Discusions about 'add numpy.topk'

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at gmail.com
Mon May 31 12:49:14 EDT 2021

On Sun, May 30, 2021 at 10:41 AM <kangkai at mail.ustc.edu.cn> wrote:

> >
> >
> > On Fri, May 28, 2021 at 4:58 PM <kangkai at mail.ustc.edu.cn
> > <mailto:kangkai at mail.ustc.edu.cn>> wrote:
> >
> >     Hi all,
> >
> >     Finding topk elements is widely used in several fields, but missed
> >     in NumPy.
> >     I implement this functionality named as  numpy.topk using core numpy
> >     functions and open a PR:
> >
> >     https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/19117
> >     <https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/19117>
> >
> >     Any discussion are welcome.
> >
> >
> > Thanks for the proposal Kang. I think this functionality is indeed a
> > fairly obvious gap in what Numpy offers, and would make sense to add.
> > A detailed comparison with other libraries would be very helpful here.
> > TensorFlow and JAX call this function `top_k`, while PyTorch, Dask and
> > MXNet call it `topk`.
> >
> > Two things to look at in more detail here are:
> > 1. complete signatures of the function in each of those libraries, and
> > what the commonality is there.
> > 2. the argument Eric made on your PR about consistency with
> > sort/argsort, and if we want topk/argtopk? Also, do other libraries
> > have `argtopk`?
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Ralf
> >
> >
> >     Best wishes,
> >
> >     Kang Kai
> >
> Hi, Thanks for reply, I present some details below:

Thanks for the detailed investigation Kang!

> ## 1. complete signatures of the function in each of those libraries, and what the commonality is there.
> | Library     | Name               | arg1  | arg2 | arg3 | arg4      | arg5   |
> |-------------|--------------------|-------|------|------|-----------|--------|
> | NumPy [1
> ]   | numpy.topk         | a     | k    | axis | largest   | sorted |
> | PyTorch [2
> ] | torch.topk         | input | k    | dim  | largest   | sorted |
> | R [3
> ]       | topK               | x     | K    | /    | /         | /      |
> | MXNet [4
> ]   | mxnet.npx.topk     | data  | k    | axis | is_ascend | /      |
> | CNTK [5
> ]    | cntk.ops.top_k     | x     | k    | axis | /         | /      |
> | TF [6
> ]      | tf.math.top_k      | input | k    | /    | /         | sorted |
> | Dask [7
> ]    | dask.array.topk    | a     | k    | axis | -k        | /      |
> | Dask [8
> ]    | dask.array.argtopk | a     | k    | axis | -k        | /      |
> | MATLAB [9
> ]  | mink               | A     | k    | dim  | /         | /      |
> | MATLAB [10
> ] | maxk               | A     | k    | dim  | /         | /      |
> | Library     | Name               | Returns             |
> |-------------|--------------------|---------------------|
> | NumPy [1]   | numpy.topk         | values, indices     |
> | PyTorch [2] | torch.topk         | values, indices     |
> | R [3]       | topK               | indices             |
> | MXNet [4]   | mxnet.npx.topk     | controls by ret_typ |
> | CNTK [5]    | cntk.ops.top_k     | values, indices     |
> | TF [6]      | tf.math.top_k      | values, indices     |
> | Dask [7]    | dask.array.topk    | values              |
> | Dask [8]    | dask.array.argtopk | indices             |
> | MATLAB [9]  | mink               | values, indices     |
> | MATLAB [10] | maxk               | values, indices     |
> - arg1: Input array.
> - arg2: Number of top elements to look for along the given axis.
> - arg3: Axis along which to find topk.
>     - R only supports vector, TensorFlow only supports axis=-1.
> - arg4: Controls whether to return k largest or smallest elements.
>     - R, CNTK and TensorFlow only return k largest elements.
>     -
>  In Dask, k can be negative, which means to return k smallest elements.
>     - In MATLAB, use two distinct functions.
> - arg5: If true the resulting k elements will be sorted by the values.
>     - R, MXNet, CNTK, Dask and MATLAB only return sorted elements.
> **Summary**:
> - Function Name: could be `topk`, `top_k`, `mink`/`maxk`.
> - arg1 (a), arg2 (k), arg3 (axis): should be required.
> - arg4 (largest), arg4 (sorted): might be discussed.
> - Returns: discussed below.
> ## 2. the argument Eric made on your PR about consistency with sort/argsort, if we want topk/argtopk? Also, do other libraries have `argtopk`
> In most libraries, `topk` or `top_k` returns both values and indices, and
> `argtopk` is not included except for Dask. In addition, there is another
> inconsistency: `sort` returns ascending values, but `topk` returns
> descending values.
> ## Suggestions
> Finally, IMHO, new function signature might be designed as one of:
> I) use `topk` / `argtopk` or `top_k` / `argtop_k`
> ```python
> def topk(a, k, axis=-1, sorted=True) -> topk_values
> def argtopk(a, k, axis=-1, sorted=True) -> topk_indices
> ```
> or
> ```python
> def top_k(a, k, axis=-1, sorted=True) -> topk_values
> def argtop_k(a, k, axis=-1, sorted=True) -> topk_indices
> ```
> where `k` can be negative which means to return k smallest elements.

I don't think I'm a fan of the `-k` cleverness. Saying you want `-5` values
as a stand-in for wanting the 5 smallest values is worse than a keyword

It seems like commenters so far have a preference for `top_k` over `topk`,
because of readability. Either way it's going to impact Dask, JAX, etc. -
so it would be nice to get some input from maintainers of those libraries.

The two functions vs. returning `(values, indices)` is also a tricky choice
- it may depend on usage patterns. If one needs indices a lot, then there's
something to say for the tuple return. Otherwise the code is going to look

    indices = argtop_k(x, ....)
    values = x[indices]

which is significantly worse than:

    values, indices = top_k(x, ...)

> II) use `maxk` / `argmaxk` or `max_k` / `argmax_k` (`mink` / `argmink` or
> `min_k` / `argmin_k`)

I suggest to forget about maxk/max_k. All Python libraries call it
topk/top_k. And Matlab choosing something is usually a good reason to run
in the other direction.


> def maxk(a, k, axis=-1, sorted=True) -> values
> def argmaxk(a, k, axis=-1, sorted=True) -> indices
> def mink(a, k, axis=-1, sorted=True) -> values
> def argmink(a, k, axis=-1, sorted=True) -> indices
> ```
> or
> ```python
> def max_k(a, k, axis=-1, sorted=True) -> values
> def argmax_k(a, k, axis=-1, sorted=True) -> indices
> def min_k(a, k, axis=-1, sorted=True) -> values
> def argmin_k(a, k, axis=-1, sorted=True) -> indices
> ```
> where `k` must be positive.
> **References**:
> - [1] https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/19117
> - [2] https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/generated/torch.topk.html
> - [3]
> https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/tensr/versions/1.0.1/topics/topK
> - [4]
> https://mxnet.apache.org/versions/master/api/python/docs/api/npx/generated/mxnet.npx.topk.html
> - [5]
> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/python/api/cntk/cntk.ops?view=cntk-py-2.7#top-k-x--k--axis--1--name----
> - [6] https://tensorflow.google.cn/api_docs/python/tf/math/top_k?hl=zh-cn
> - [7]
> https://docs.dask.org/en/latest/array-api.html?highlight=topk#dask.array.topk
> - [8]
> https://docs.dask.org/en/latest/array-api.html?highlight=topk#dask.array.argtopk
> - [9] https://nl.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/maxk.html
> - [10] https://nl.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/mink.html
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