[Numpy-svn] r3202 - in trunk/numpy/core: code_generators include/numpy src

numpy-svn at scipy.org numpy-svn at scipy.org
Thu Sep 21 03:58:45 EDT 2006

Author: charris
Date: 2006-09-21 02:58:41 -0500 (Thu, 21 Sep 2006)
New Revision: 3202

Make a PyArray_SearchsideConverter for the side keyword in searchsorted.
Rename some searchsorted variables with more descriptive names.
Do some documentation markup in case we ever run doxygen over the source.

Modified: trunk/numpy/core/code_generators/multiarray_api_order.txt
--- trunk/numpy/core/code_generators/multiarray_api_order.txt	2006-09-21 00:02:22 UTC (rev 3201)
+++ trunk/numpy/core/code_generators/multiarray_api_order.txt	2006-09-21 07:58:41 UTC (rev 3202)
@@ -79,4 +79,5 @@
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/numpy/core/include/numpy/ndarrayobject.h
--- trunk/numpy/core/include/numpy/ndarrayobject.h	2006-09-21 00:02:22 UTC (rev 3201)
+++ trunk/numpy/core/include/numpy/ndarrayobject.h	2006-09-21 07:58:41 UTC (rev 3202)
@@ -185,8 +185,8 @@
 typedef enum {
 typedef enum {

Modified: trunk/numpy/core/src/arraymethods.c
--- trunk/numpy/core/src/arraymethods.c	2006-09-21 00:02:22 UTC (rev 3201)
+++ trunk/numpy/core/src/arraymethods.c	2006-09-21 07:58:41 UTC (rev 3202)
@@ -887,29 +887,14 @@
 array_searchsorted(PyArrayObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
 	PyObject *keys;
-        char *side = "left";
         static char *kwlist[] = {"keys", "side", NULL};
-        NPY_SEARCHKIND which;
-	if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "O|s", kwlist, &keys, &side))
-            return NULL;
-	if (strlen(side) < 1) {
-		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
-                        "Searchsorted: side must be nonempty string");
-		return PY_FAIL;
-	}
+	if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "O|O&", kwlist, &keys,
+                                         PyArray_SearchsideConverter, &side))
+                return NULL;
-        if (side[0] == 'l' || side[0] == 'L')
-                which = NPY_SEARCHLEFT;
-        else if (side[0] == 'r' || side[0] == 'R')
-                which = NPY_SEARCHRIGHT;
-        else {
-		PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError,
-                        "%s is not a valid value of side", side);
-		return PY_FAIL;
-	}
-	return _ARET(PyArray_SearchSorted(self, keys, which));
+	return _ARET(PyArray_SearchSorted(self, keys, side));
 static void

Modified: trunk/numpy/core/src/multiarraymodule.c
--- trunk/numpy/core/src/multiarraymodule.c	2006-09-21 00:02:22 UTC (rev 3201)
+++ trunk/numpy/core/src/multiarraymodule.c	2006-09-21 07:58:41 UTC (rev 3202)
@@ -2523,33 +2523,28 @@
-/* local_search_left
+/** @brief Use bisection of sorted array to find first entries >= keys.
- * Use bisection to find the indices i into ap1 s.t.
+ * For each key use bisection to find the first index i s.t. key <= arr[i].
+ * When there is no such index i, set i = len(arr). Return the results in ret.
+ * All arrays are assumed contiguous on entry and both arr and key must be of
+ * the same comparable type.
- *      ap1[j] < key <= ap1[i] for all 0 <= j < i and all keys in ap2,
- *
- * When there is no such index i, set i = len(ap1).  Return the results in ret. All
- * arrays are assumed contiguous on entry and both ap1 and ap2 are assumed to
- * be of the same comparable type.
- *
- * Arguments:
- *
- * ap1 -- array to be searched, contiguous on entry and assumed sorted.
- * ap2 -- array of keys, contiguous on entry.
- * ret -- return array of intp, contiguous on entry.
- *
+ * @param arr contiguous sorted array to be searched.
+ * @param key contiguous array of keys.
+ * @param ret contiguous array of intp for returned indices.
+ * @return void
 static void
-local_search_left(PyArrayObject *ap1, PyArrayObject *ap2, PyArrayObject *ret)
+local_search_left(PyArrayObject *arr, PyArrayObject *key, PyArrayObject *ret)
-	PyArray_CompareFunc *compare = ap2->descr->f->compare;
-	intp nelts = ap1->dimensions[ap1->nd - 1];
-	intp nkeys = PyArray_SIZE(ap2);
-	char *p1 = ap1->data;
-	char *p2 = ap2->data;
-	intp *pr = (intp *)ret->data;
-	int elsize = ap1->descr->elsize;
+	PyArray_CompareFunc *compare = key->descr->f->compare;
+	intp nelts = arr->dimensions[arr->nd - 1];
+	intp nkeys = PyArray_SIZE(key);
+	char *parr = arr->data;
+	char *pkey = key->data;
+	intp *pret = (intp *)ret->data;
+	int elsize = arr->descr->elsize;
 	intp i;
 	for(i = 0; i < nkeys; ++i) {
@@ -2557,45 +2552,40 @@
 		intp imax = nelts;
 		while (imin < imax) {
 			intp imid = imin + ((imax - imin) >> 2);
-			if (compare(p1 + elsize*imid, p2, ap2) < 0)
+			if (compare(parr + elsize*imid, pkey, key) < 0)
                                 imin = imid + 1;
 				imax = imid;
-                *pr = imin;
-                pr += 1;
-                p2 += elsize;
+                *pret = imin;
+                pret += 1;
+                pkey += elsize;
-/* local_search_right
+/** @brief Use bisection of sorted array to find first entries > keys.
- * Use bisection to find the indices i into ap1 s.t.
+ * For each key use bisection to find the first index i s.t. key < arr[i].
+ * When there is no such index i, set i = len(arr). Return the results in ret.
+ * All arrays are assumed contiguous on entry and both arr and key must be of
+ * the same comparable type.
- *      ap1[j] <= key < ap1[i] for all 0 <= j < i and all keys in ap2.
- *
- * When there is no such index i, set i = len(ap1).  Return the results in ret. All
- * arrays are assumed contiguous on entry and both ap1 and ap2 are assumed to
- * be of the same comparable type.
- *
- * Arguments:
- *
- * ap1 -- array to be searched, contiguous on entry and assumed sorted.
- * ap2 -- array of keys, contiguous on entry.
- * ret -- return array of intp, contiguous on entry.
- *
+ * @param arr contiguous sorted array to be searched.
+ * @param key contiguous array of keys.
+ * @param ret contiguous array of intp for returned indices.
+ * @return void
 static void
-local_search_right(PyArrayObject *ap1, PyArrayObject *ap2, PyArrayObject *ret)
+local_search_right(PyArrayObject *arr, PyArrayObject *key, PyArrayObject *ret)
-	PyArray_CompareFunc *compare = ap2->descr->f->compare;
-	intp nelts = ap1->dimensions[ap1->nd - 1];
-	intp nkeys = PyArray_SIZE(ap2);
-	char *p1 = ap1->data;
-	char *p2 = ap2->data;
-	intp *pr = (intp *)ret->data;
-	int elsize = ap1->descr->elsize;
+	PyArray_CompareFunc *compare = key->descr->f->compare;
+	intp nelts = arr->dimensions[arr->nd - 1];
+	intp nkeys = PyArray_SIZE(key);
+	char *parr = arr->data;
+	char *pkey = key->data;
+	intp *pret = (intp *)ret->data;
+	int elsize = arr->descr->elsize;
 	intp i;
 	for(i = 0; i < nkeys; ++i) {
@@ -2603,22 +2593,52 @@
 		intp imax = nelts;
 		while (imin < imax) {
 			intp imid = imin + ((imax - imin) >> 2);
-			if (compare(p1 + elsize*imid, p2, ap2) <= 0)
+			if (compare(parr + elsize*imid, pkey, key) <= 0)
                                 imin = imid + 1;
 				imax = imid;
-                *pr = imin;
-                pr += 1;
-                p2 += elsize;
+                *pret = imin;
+                pret += 1;
+                pkey += elsize;
+  Convert object to searchsorted side
+static int
+PyArray_SearchsideConverter(PyObject *obj, NPY_SEARCHSIDE *side)
+	char *str = PyString_AsString(obj);
+	if (!str)
+                return PY_FAIL;
+	if (strlen(str) < 1) {
+		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
+                                "side must be nonempty string");
+		return PY_FAIL;
+	}
+        if (str[0] == 'l' || str[0] == 'L')
+                *side = NPY_SEARCHLEFT;
+        else if (str[0] == 'r' || str[0] == 'R')
+                *side = NPY_SEARCHRIGHT;
+        else {
+		PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError,
+                             "side has invalid value '%s'", str);
+		return PY_FAIL;
+	}
+	return PY_SUCCEED;
 static PyObject *
-PyArray_SearchSorted(PyArrayObject *op1, PyObject *op2, NPY_SEARCHKIND which)
+PyArray_SearchSorted(PyArrayObject *op1, PyObject *op2, NPY_SEARCHSIDE side)
 	PyArrayObject *ap1=NULL;
         PyArrayObject *ap2=NULL;
@@ -2657,12 +2677,12 @@
 		goto fail;
-        if (which == NPY_SEARCHLEFT) {
+        if (side == NPY_SEARCHLEFT) {
                 local_search_left(ap1, ap2, ret);
-        else if (which == NPY_SEARCHRIGHT) {
+        else if (side == NPY_SEARCHRIGHT) {
                 local_search_right(ap1, ap2, ret);

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