[Overload-sig] Gmane may be shutting down

Guido van Rossum guido at python.org
Thu Jul 28 14:31:10 EDT 2016

Oh, man! :-(

It's the tragedy of the commons. The ReadTheDocs team is close to
burn-out too, as is of course our own Donald "PyPI is not my middle
name" Stufft.

Companies using open source really need to take care better of their
infrastructure, and we can't always look at Google or Mozilla.

On Thu, Jul 28, 2016 at 10:48 AM, Brett Cannon <brett at python.org> wrote:
> Looks like the maintainer is burning out:
> https://lars.ingebrigtsen.no/2016/07/28/the-end-of-gmane/
> If gmane is shut down it will impact the accessibility of our MM2 lists I
> suspect as gmane seems to be popular enough, so our work may have just
> become a bit more important.
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--Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)

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