[Pandas-dev] Domain and hosting

Andy Ray Terrel andy.terrel at gmail.com
Mon Feb 17 14:16:35 EST 2020

On Mon, Feb 17, 2020 at 12:24 PM Marc Garcia <garcia.marc at gmail.com> wrote:

> The OVH hosting is also free. I thought Rackspace started sending invoices
> now, I saw on Twitter comments from some other projects about it.

NumFOCUS has negotiated a 2 year extension. The twitter comments seems to
be mostly tied to personal accounts.

> Part of the idea of moving to OVH was because they should provide us with
> the Binder infrastructure if we make the examples in the docs runnable.

OVH is great but as far as I know there is no formal relationship. Sorry if
there are details elsewhere that I've missed. Anywho, I just wanted to make
sure you know I had resources to help if needed.

> Not sure how we should move forward then. Should we simply disable or
> redirect pandas.io, and we set up the CI to update the website and the
> dev docs there? The current server seems to work well enough, and probably
> not worth moving things for now if we still have it for two more years.
> Does anyone have a different idea or a preference?

> On Mon, Feb 17, 2020 at 1:09 PM Andy Ray Terrel <andy.terrel at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On Mon, Feb 17, 2020 at 4:13 AM Marc Garcia <garcia.marc at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> We've got a bit of a mess at the moment with the pandas domain and
>>> hosting. I'll try to leave things in a more reasonable way, but there are
>>> some decisions pending.
>>> My understanding from a thread in this list was that everybody was happy
>>> with using pandas.io, and we set up the domain for the new hosting, and
>>> also dev.pandas.io for the development version of the website (and the
>>> blog and anything published in our GitHub organization pages).
>>> From the discussion in https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/issues/28528
>>> seems like the preference is to keep the old pandas.pydata.org instead.
>>> Given that, I think we can get rid of the dev.pandas.io, and point
>>> pandas.pydata.org to the new server once it's ready.
>>> For the website, I think the agreement is to update it with the latest
>>> version from master. So, no dev.pandas.io. For the development (master)
>>> documentation, I think it can live in pandas.pydata.org/docs/dev/.
>>> The blog, I think the best is to have the posts as pages on the website,
>>> in a directory blog/, so we don't need to maintain separaterly, and it has
>>> the look and feel of the website.
>>> For the new hosting, I'll move everything (all old documentation
>>> versions) from the current server to the new one, and then set up that the
>>> website and the development docs are automatically updated. Tom, can you
>>> give me access to the current web server so I can fetch the data please?
>> Marc, send me your ssh-key and preferred login, I can get you access.
>> NumFOCUS just got a deal with AWS and we have the Rackspace servers for
>> another two years, so unless you are just dying to pay fees, let me get you
>> free servers.
>>> Once everything is working in the new server, we'll be able to see it in
>>> pandas.io, and when we're happy we can change the domain
>>> pandas.pydata.org to point to it, and disable pandas.io.
>>> Please let me know if there are objections to any of the above,
>>> otherwise I'll move forward.
>>> Cheers!
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