[Pandas-dev] [Collaboration Sprint] Greetings from Mercado Libre

Giovanni Almeida giovanni.almeida at mercadolivre.com
Fri Jan 21 15:29:35 EST 2022


My name is Giovanni and I currently work as a Technical Leader at Mercado
Libre <https://mercadolibre.com/>. I'm one of the people responsible for
the *Open Source* initiative here.

I'm making this contact because I'd like to know the possibility of
coordinating together a *Collaboration Sprint* between Mercado Livre
developers and the Pandas repository <https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas>
since we've identified that it is widely used in our company's
applications. The idea would be to formalize two weeks of collaboration
(issue resolution or something related) between us in *March 2022*.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you.

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