[Patches] why not just apply Garbage Collection patch?

Neil Schemenauer nascheme@enme.ucalgary.ca
Tue, 25 Apr 2000 10:58:29 -0600

On Mon, Apr 24, 2000 at 02:38:20PM -0500, Charles G Waldman wrote:
> Unfortunately, with my recent changes to tupleobject.c and Christian's
> recent changes to the Trashcan, the gc patch no longer applies
> cleanly

I'll fix that today.

> Everything is already protected with "#ifdef
> WITH_CYCLE_GC" anyhow, right?

Unfortunately not.  I had to change the way objects are allocated
in order to make GC Python binary compatible with GC-disabled
Python.  PyObject_NEW* cannot be macros which expand to malloc()
(which they do currently on Windows).  GC Python must allocate
extra memory for container objects.

I think Vladimir's malloc patch will fix this problem.  Either
his patch should be applied first or at least the part that makes
this change.


"God, root, what is difference?" - Pitr
"God is more forgiving." - Dave Aronson