[Patches] [Patch #101085] calendar.py extensions

noreply@sourceforge.net noreply@sourceforge.net
Thu, 17 Aug 2000 13:21:23 -0700

Patch #101085 has been updated. 

Category: Modules
Status: Open
Summary: calendar.py extensions


Date: 2000-Aug-05 21:54
By: goodger

(1) Allows any weekday to start a week, not just Monday as hardcoded. (2) Added functions which return week, month and year calendars as strings (e.g. prmonth() prints, month() returns string), so we aren't forced to play with stdout when we don't want to print. Had to modify some (manditory, therefore non-keyword) parameters in prweek(), prmonth() & prcal()'s signatures. (3) Removed "caching interface to _monthcalendar" as unnecessary complexity.


Date: 2000-Aug-15 15:05
By: tim_one

Assigned to Skip because he's a Calendar kind of fellow.  Please review or pass on to someone else.

Date: 2000-Aug-17 16:16
By: montanaro

Looks reasonable with the following recommendations and questions:

    * the w (width) and l (length) keyword args to month and
      prmonth should probably be called something else
      (columnwidth and rowheight perhaps?).  Should
      calendar/prcal have columnwidth, rowheight and
      gutterwidth optional arguments?

    * I think the month() function should include a trailing
      newline and that prmonth should call sys.stdout.write.
      Same for the calendar/prcal pair.

    * Should firstweekday accept string arguments as well
      so people don't have to map from days of the week to
      integers?  What does this imply for locales?  Can
      English just be assumed?


Date: 2000-Aug-17 16:21
By: montanaro

Just occurred to me...  Perhaps firstweekday() should 
reset to the default for the module (Monday) instead of
the US convention (Sunday first).


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