Trying again: [Patches] Patch to import.c
Jack Jansen
Tue, 06 Jun 2000 23:14:10 +0200
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
I posted this message to the patches mailing list last week, but
either I missed the reply (we had full disks over the weekend) or
nobody replied yet. And I am waiting for these patches, or rather
other people who want to play with MacPython and MacOSX are, so I'd
really like to know whether I should revise the patches and in what
direction or have them checked in....
Hmm, that may all sound a bit pushy, but that isn't the intention. I
really just want to know (a) what the status of my patches is and (b)
what I can expect in the future....
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Subject: Re: [Patches] Patch to import.c
In-Reply-To: Message by Greg Stein <> ,
Sat, 3 Jun 2000 03:26:25 -0700 (PDT) , <Pine.LNX.4.10.1000>
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Date: Sat, 03 Jun 2000 13:05:57 +0200
From: Jack Jansen <>
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I'm a bit confused as to the current procedure for patches. It used to
be that Guido said "yes" or "no", and that was it. Nowadays there seem
to be very many people on the patches mailing list, and a patch gets a
number of replies ranging from "don't do this" to "can't you do this
differently". I've tried to reply to all the issues, but I'm now completely
in the dark as to the status of my patches: I'm under the impression
that I've defended the case for my patches satisfactorily (hehe:-),
but people on the patch mailing list may think that I've some fixing
up to do.
As I didn't follow discussions on the new patch system: is there a
procedure and, if so, could it be documented on
And if there isn't one: could one be designed and documented, please?
A time-limit on patch acceptance/rejection would also be nice, if
possible: I use the repository to sync my home machine and work
machine, which worked fine when Guido alone was responsible as he
worked what seems to be 19 hours per day, so patches usually ended up
in the repository before I had the chance to cycle from home to work
or vv., but with the new procedure it can apparently take a lot longer
for patches to appear, so I may have to come up with another scheme to
sync my multiple machines...
Jack Jansen | ++++ stop the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal ++++ | ++++ if you agree copy these lines to your sig ++++ | see