[Patches] patch for core dump in parser
Jeremy Hylton
Fri, 16 Jun 2000 18:35:43 -0400 (EDT)
This patch fixes a bug report on the python list today.
Brief summary: eval("2+2+" * 8192 + "2")
The patch mucks with the parser code, which I've never looked at
seriously before. The basic idea is to catch the error -- an overflow
of the short used to count the number of children and cause a new
parser error to be returned, E_OVERFLOW. Python turns that errorcode
into the SyntaxError "expression too long."
Note that I've changed the signature of PyNode_AddChild. It used to
return a node * or NULL. Callers only checked for NULL, so the change
seems safe.
Index: Include/errcode.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Include/errcode.h,v
retrieving revision 2.8
diff -c -r2.8 errcode.h
*** Include/errcode.h 1998/04/09 21:37:20 2.8
--- Include/errcode.h 2000/06/16 22:19:53
*** 52,57 ****
--- 52,58 ----
#define E_DONE 16 /* Parsing complete */
#define E_ERROR 17 /* Execution error */
#define E_INDENT 18 /* Invalid indentation detected */
+ #define E_OVERFLOW 19 /* Node had too many children */
#ifdef __cplusplus
Index: Include/node.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Include/node.h,v
retrieving revision 2.12
diff -c -r2.12 node.h
*** Include/node.h 1998/12/04 18:48:11 2.12
--- Include/node.h 2000/06/16 22:19:53
*** 46,52 ****
} node;
extern DL_IMPORT(node *) PyNode_New Py_PROTO((int type));
! extern DL_IMPORT(node *) PyNode_AddChild Py_PROTO((node *n, int type, char *str, int lineno));
extern DL_IMPORT(void) PyNode_Free Py_PROTO((node *n));
/* Node access functions */
--- 46,52 ----
} node;
extern DL_IMPORT(node *) PyNode_New Py_PROTO((int type));
! extern DL_IMPORT(int) PyNode_AddChild Py_PROTO((node *n, int type, char *str, int lineno));
extern DL_IMPORT(void) PyNode_Free Py_PROTO((node *n));
/* Node access functions */
Index: Parser/node.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Parser/node.c,v
retrieving revision 2.7
diff -c -r2.7 node.c
*** Parser/node.c 1997/04/29 21:02:42 2.7
--- Parser/node.c 2000/06/16 22:19:53
*** 33,38 ****
--- 33,39 ----
#include "pgenheaders.h"
#include "node.h"
+ #include "errcode.h"
node *
*** 52,58 ****
#define XXX 3 /* Node alignment factor to speed up realloc */
#define XXXROUNDUP(n) ((n) == 1 ? 1 : ((n) + XXX - 1) / XXX * XXX)
! node *
PyNode_AddChild(n1, type, str, lineno)
register node *n1;
int type;
--- 53,59 ----
#define XXX 3 /* Node alignment factor to speed up realloc */
#define XXXROUNDUP(n) ((n) == 1 ? 1 : ((n) + XXX - 1) / XXX * XXX)
! int
PyNode_AddChild(n1, type, str, lineno)
register node *n1;
int type;
*** 62,73 ****
register int nch = n1->n_nchildren;
register int nch1 = nch+1;
register node *n;
if (XXXROUNDUP(nch) < nch1) {
n = n1->n_child;
nch1 = XXXROUNDUP(nch1);
PyMem_RESIZE(n, node, nch1);
if (n == NULL)
! return NULL;
n1->n_child = n;
n = &n1->n_child[n1->n_nchildren++];
--- 63,76 ----
register int nch = n1->n_nchildren;
register int nch1 = nch+1;
register node *n;
+ if (nch == 32767)
+ return E_OVERFLOW;
if (XXXROUNDUP(nch) < nch1) {
n = n1->n_child;
nch1 = XXXROUNDUP(nch1);
PyMem_RESIZE(n, node, nch1);
if (n == NULL)
! return E_NOMEM;
n1->n_child = n;
n = &n1->n_child[n1->n_nchildren++];
*** 76,82 ****
n->n_lineno = lineno;
n->n_nchildren = 0;
n->n_child = NULL;
! return n;
/* Forward */
--- 79,85 ----
n->n_lineno = lineno;
n->n_nchildren = 0;
n->n_child = NULL;
! return 0;
/* Forward */
Index: Parser/parser.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Parser/parser.c,v
retrieving revision 2.10
diff -c -r2.10 parser.c
*** Parser/parser.c 1997/04/29 21:02:45 2.10
--- Parser/parser.c 2000/06/16 22:19:54
*** 153,163 ****
int newstate;
int lineno;
! if (PyNode_AddChild(s->s_top->s_parent, type, str, lineno) == NULL) {
! fprintf(stderr, "shift: no mem in addchild\n");
! return -1;
! }
s->s_top->s_state = newstate;
return 0;
--- 153,163 ----
int newstate;
int lineno;
+ int err;
! err = PyNode_AddChild(s->s_top->s_parent, type, str, lineno);
! if (err)
! return err;
s->s_top->s_state = newstate;
return 0;
*** 172,184 ****
int newstate;
int lineno;
register node *n;
n = s->s_top->s_parent;
! if (PyNode_AddChild(n, type, (char *)NULL, lineno) == NULL) {
! fprintf(stderr, "push: no mem in addchild\n");
! return -1;
! }
s->s_top->s_state = newstate;
return s_push(s, d, CHILD(n, NCH(n)-1));
--- 172,184 ----
int newstate;
int lineno;
+ int err;
register node *n;
n = s->s_top->s_parent;
! err = PyNode_AddChild(n, type, (char *)NULL, lineno);
! if (err)
! return err;
s->s_top->s_state = newstate;
return s_push(s, d, CHILD(n, NCH(n)-1));
*** 233,238 ****
--- 233,239 ----
int lineno;
register int ilabel;
+ int err;
D(printf("Token %s/'%s' ... ", _PyParser_TokenNames[type], str));
*** 260,279 ****
int arrow = x & ((1<<7)-1);
dfa *d1 = PyGrammar_FindDFA(
ps->p_grammar, nt);
! if (push(&ps->p_stack, nt, d1,
! arrow, lineno) < 0) {
D(printf(" MemError: push\n"));
! return E_NOMEM;
D(printf(" Push ...\n"));
/* Shift the token */
! if (shift(&ps->p_stack, type, str,
! x, lineno) < 0) {
D(printf(" MemError: shift.\n"));
! return E_NOMEM;
D(printf(" Shift.\n"));
/* Pop while we are in an accept-only state */
--- 261,280 ----
int arrow = x & ((1<<7)-1);
dfa *d1 = PyGrammar_FindDFA(
ps->p_grammar, nt);
! if ((err = push(&ps->p_stack, nt, d1,
! arrow, lineno)) > 0) {
D(printf(" MemError: push\n"));
! return err;
D(printf(" Push ...\n"));
/* Shift the token */
! if ((err = shift(&ps->p_stack, type, str,
! x, lineno)) > 0) {
D(printf(" MemError: shift.\n"));
! return err;
D(printf(" Shift.\n"));
/* Pop while we are in an accept-only state */
Index: Python/pythonrun.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Python/pythonrun.c,v
retrieving revision 2.97
diff -c -r2.97 pythonrun.c
*** Python/pythonrun.c 2000/05/25 23:09:49 2.97
--- Python/pythonrun.c 2000/06/16 22:19:56
*** 1033,1038 ****
--- 1033,1041 ----
case E_INDENT:
msg = "inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation";
+ case E_OVERFLOW:
+ msg = "expression too long";
+ break;
fprintf(stderr, "error=%d\n", err->error);
msg = "unknown parsing error";