[Patches] pindent: eliminate "# end"-tags

Peter Schneider-Kamp peter@schneider-kamp.de
Mon, 29 May 2000 22:31:49 +0200

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A Python program can be completed and reformatted using
Tools/scripts/pindent.py. Unfortunately there is no option
for removal of the generated "# end"-tags.
Although a few Python commands or a "grep -v '# end '"
can do wonders here, there are two drawbacks:
- not everyone has grep/time to write a Python script
- it is not checked whether the "# end"-tags were used validly
add extra option "-e" (eliminate) to pindent.py

patch attached as plaintext context diff
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Peter Schneider-Kamp          ++47-7388-7331
Herman Krags veg 51-11        mailto:peter@schneider-kamp.de
N-7050 Trondheim              http://schneider-kamp.de
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diff -c -b --recursive python/dist/src/Tools/scripts/pindent.py python-mod/dist/src/Tools/scripts/pindent.py
*** python/dist/src/Tools/scripts/pindent.py	Fri Jun 19 23:39:27 1998
--- python-mod/dist/src/Tools/scripts/pindent.py	Mon May 29 22:20:22 2000
*** 1,10 ****
  #! /usr/bin/env python
! # This file contains a class and a main program that perform two
  # related (though complimentary) formatting operations on Python
! # programs.  When called as "pindend -c", it takes a valid Python
  # program as input and outputs a version augmented with block-closing
! # comments.  When called as "pindent -r" it assumes its input is a
  # Python program with block-closing comments but with its indentation
  # messed up, and outputs a properly indented version.
--- 1,12 ----
  #! /usr/bin/env python
! # This file contains a class and a main program that perform three
  # related (though complimentary) formatting operations on Python
! # programs.  When called as "pindent -c", it takes a valid Python
  # program as input and outputs a version augmented with block-closing
! # comments.  When called as "pindent -e", it assumes its input is a
! # Python program with block-closing comments and outputs a commentless
! # version.   When called as "pindent -r" it assumes its input is a
  # Python program with block-closing comments but with its indentation
  # messed up, and outputs a properly indented version.
*** 34,44 ****
  # that indentation is not significant when interpreting block-closing
  # comments).
! # Both operations are idempotent (i.e. applied to their own output
  # they yield an identical result).  Running first "pindent -c" and
  # then "pindent -r" on a valid Python program produces a program that
  # is semantically identical to the input (though its indentation may
! # be different).
  # Other options:
  # -s stepsize: set the indentation step size (default 8)
--- 36,47 ----
  # that indentation is not significant when interpreting block-closing
  # comments).
! # The operations are idempotent (i.e. applied to their own output
  # they yield an identical result).  Running first "pindent -c" and
  # then "pindent -r" on a valid Python program produces a program that
  # is semantically identical to the input (though its indentation may
! # be different). Running "pindent -e" on that output produces a
! # program that only differs from the original in indentation.
  # Other options:
  # -s stepsize: set the indentation step size (default 8)
*** 193,198 ****
--- 196,245 ----
  		# end if
  	# end def reformat
+ 	def eliminate(self):
+ 		stack = []
+ 		while 1:
+ 			line = self.getline()
+ 			if not line: break	# EOF
+ 			# end if
+ 			m = self.endprog.match(line)
+ 			if m:
+ 				kw = 'end'
+ 				kw2 = m.group('kw')
+ 				if not stack:
+ 					self.error('unexpected end')
+ 				elif stack[-1][0] != kw2:
+ 					self.error('unmatched end')
+ 				# end if
+ 				del stack[-1:]
+ 				#self.putline(line, len(stack))
+ 				continue
+ 			# end if
+ 			m = self.kwprog.match(line)
+ 			if m:
+ 				kw = m.group('kw')
+ 				if kw in start:
+ 					self.putline(line, len(stack))
+ 					stack.append((kw, kw))
+ 					continue
+ 				# end if
+ 				if next.has_key(kw) and stack:
+ 					self.putline(line, len(stack)-1)
+ 					kwa, kwb = stack[-1]
+ 					stack[-1] = kwa, kw
+ 					continue
+ 				# end if
+ 			# end if
+ 			self.putline(line, len(stack))
+ 		# end while
+ 		if stack:
+ 			self.error('unterminated keywords')
+ 			for kwa, kwb in stack:
+ 				self.write('\t%s\n' % kwa)
+ 			# end for
+ 		# end if
+ 	# end def eliminate
  	def complete(self):
  		self.indentsize = 1
  		stack = []
*** 293,304 ****
  # - xxx_string(s): take and return string object
  # - xxx_file(filename): process file in place, return true iff changed
! def complete_filter(input= sys.stdin, output = sys.stdout,
  		    stepsize = STEPSIZE, tabsize = TABSIZE):
  	pi = PythonIndenter(input, output, stepsize, tabsize)
  # end def complete_filter
  def reformat_filter(input = sys.stdin, output = sys.stdout,
  		    stepsize = STEPSIZE, tabsize = TABSIZE):
  	pi = PythonIndenter(input, output, stepsize, tabsize)
--- 340,357 ----
  # - xxx_string(s): take and return string object
  # - xxx_file(filename): process file in place, return true iff changed
! def complete_filter(input = sys.stdin, output = sys.stdout,
  	stepsize = STEPSIZE, tabsize = TABSIZE):
  	pi = PythonIndenter(input, output, stepsize, tabsize)
  # end def complete_filter
+ def eliminate_filter(input= sys.stdin, output = sys.stdout,
+ 	stepsize = STEPSIZE, tabsize = TABSIZE):
+ 	pi = PythonIndenter(input, output, stepsize, tabsize)
+ 	pi.eliminate()
+ # end def eliminate_filter
  def reformat_filter(input = sys.stdin, output = sys.stdout,
  	stepsize = STEPSIZE, tabsize = TABSIZE):
  	pi = PythonIndenter(input, output, stepsize, tabsize)
*** 357,362 ****
--- 410,423 ----
  	return output.getvalue()
  # end def complete_string
+ def eliminate_string(source, stepsize = STEPSIZE, tabsize = TABSIZE):
+ 	input = StringReader(source)
+ 	output = StringWriter()
+ 	pi = PythonIndenter(input, output, stepsize, tabsize)
+ 	pi.eliminate()
+ 	return output.getvalue()
+ # end def eliminate_string
  def reformat_string(source, stepsize = STEPSIZE, tabsize = TABSIZE):
  	input = StringReader(source)
  	output = StringWriter()
*** 380,392 ****
  	return 1
  # end def complete_file
  def reformat_file(filename, stepsize = STEPSIZE, tabsize = TABSIZE):
  	source = open(filename, 'r').read()
  	result = reformat_string(source, stepsize, tabsize)
  	if source == result: return 0
  	# end if
  	import os
! 	os.rename(filename, filename + '~')
  	f = open(filename, 'w')
--- 441,470 ----
  	return 1
  # end def complete_file
+ def eliminate_file(filename, stepsize = STEPSIZE, tabsize = TABSIZE):
+ 	source = open(filename, 'r').read()
+ 	result = eliminate_string(source, stepsize, tabsize)
+ 	if source == result: return 0
+ 	# end if
+ 	import os
+ 	try: os.rename(filename, filename + '~')
+ 	except os.error: pass
+ 	# end try
+ 	f = open(filename, 'w')
+ 	f.write(result)
+ 	f.close()
+ 	return 1
+ # end def eliminate_file
  def reformat_file(filename, stepsize = STEPSIZE, tabsize = TABSIZE):
  	source = open(filename, 'r').read()
  	result = reformat_string(source, stepsize, tabsize)
  	if source == result: return 0
  	# end if
  	import os
! 	try: os.rename(filename, filename + '~')
! 	except os.error: pass
! 	# end try
  	f = open(filename, 'w')
*** 396,403 ****
  # Test program when called as a script
  usage = """
! usage: pindent (-c|-r) [-s stepsize] [-t tabsize] [file] ...
  -c         : complete a correctly indented program (add #end directives)
  -r         : reformat a completed program (use #end directives)
  -s stepsize: indentation step (default %(STEPSIZE)d)
  -t tabsize : the worth in spaces of a tab (default %(TABSIZE)d)
--- 474,482 ----
  # Test program when called as a script
  usage = """
! usage: pindent (-c|-e|-r) [-s stepsize] [-t tabsize] [file] ...
  -c         : complete a correctly indented program (add #end directives)
+ -e         : eliminate #end directives
  -r         : reformat a completed program (use #end directives)
  -s stepsize: indentation step (default %(STEPSIZE)d)
  -t tabsize : the worth in spaces of a tab (default %(TABSIZE)d)
*** 409,415 ****
  def test():
  	import getopt
! 		opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'crs:t:')
  	except getopt.error, msg:
  		sys.stderr.write('Error: %s\n' % msg)
--- 488,494 ----
  def test():
  	import getopt
! 		opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'cers:t:')
  	except getopt.error, msg:
  		sys.stderr.write('Error: %s\n' % msg)
*** 421,426 ****
--- 500,507 ----
  	for o, a in opts:
  		if o == '-c':
  			action = 'complete'
+ 		elif o == '-e':
+ 			action = 'eliminate'
  		elif o == '-r':
  			action = 'reformat'
  		elif o == '-s':
*** 431,437 ****
  	# end for
  	if not action:
! 			'You must specify -c(omplete) or -r(eformat)\n')
  	# end if
--- 512,518 ----
  	# end for
  	if not action:
! 		        'You must specify -c(omplete), -e(eliminate) or -r(eformat)\n')
  	# end if
