[Patches] [Patch #101782] Enhances 1.6 compiler to raise 'proper' SyntaxErrors
Fri, 02 Feb 2001 10:35:44 -0800
Patch #101782 has been updated.
Project: python
Category: Parser/Compiler
Status: Open
Submitted by: roman_sulzhyk
Assigned to : jhylton
Summary: Enhances 1.6 compiler to raise 'proper' SyntaxErrors
Date: 2001-Feb-02 10:35
By: jhylton
I didn't get a chance to look at this before 2.1a2. I will look at it
before 2.1b1, because it appears to fall under the bug fix category.
Date: 2001-Jan-19 14:51
By: gvanrossum
This is better for Jeremy to review, since he has done a major refactoring
on the compiler code.
Jeremy, I don't want this in 2.1a1, but could you see if you can get it
either approved or rejected in time for 2.1a2?
Date: 2000-Oct-04 12:29
By: roman_sulzhyk
There's a problem with the compiler.c (which persists in 2.0 also) which
means it raises 'old style' SyntaxErrors, which could not be formatted
properly. I mentioned this to Guido during the last conference, and he said
it can best be done by moving parts of the 'linecache' functionality to
core python, or something along those lines. Well, I've put together
something which is not so far-fetching, but plugs this hole. The only time
it reverts to the 'old style' compile error is when the input file is not a
regular file (like stdin), since the line information is lost at that point
- don't think parser.c saves it anywhere.
Tell me what you think - should I port it to 2.0, or just drop it
altogether if it's not needed.
Date: 2000-Oct-04 23:40
By: fdrake
This needs to be ported to the latest CVS version before being considered
for implementation (but discussion of the feature is welcome!).
This cannot be considered for inclusion in 2.0 since we're in feature
freeze already, and are only fixing bugs at this point. This can be
considered for 2.1.
Marking as postponed.
Date: 2000-Oct-09 10:59
By: roman_sulzhyk
I've ported it to the latest CVS version - check it out,
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