[Patches] 30,000 Exclusive Images of Asia
Farah Cowan
Thu, 8 Feb 2001 23:52:16 -0000
Dear Sirs,
Here's how you can have access to more than 30,000 exclusive images of Asia in 4 easy steps:
Step One: Go to www.FotoAsia.com
Step Two: Browse or search for images by keywords
Step Three: Pay through credit cards via secure transactions
Step Four: Download the image/s
....and voila! you are done.
If you are targeting the Asian market, we can offer you royalty-free Asian images for your creative and publishing needs at competitive prices, from as low as US$30.00.
Need a catalog? Just go to www.FotoAsia.com and download our FREE e-Catalogs and browse at your own convenience.
Can't find an image you need? Send us an e-mail sales@FotoAsia.com and we will be glad to do a FREE search for you!
Thank you.
Ms Farah Cowan
Chief Marketing Officer
FotoAsia Pte Ltd
11 Kallang Place #02-08
Singapore 339155
Tel: 65-398-1373
Fax: 65-398-1393
FotoAsia - T h e h e a r t a n d S o u l o f A s i a
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