[Patches] [Patch #102453] Modified urlencode in urllib to accept more types
Thu, 08 Feb 2001 23:09:43 -0800
Patch #102453 has been updated.
Project: python
Category: library
Status: Open
Submitted by: nobody
Assigned to : jhylton
Summary: Modified urlencode in urllib to accept more types
Date: 2001-Feb-08 23:09
By: bquinlan
This patch has been superceeded and should be closed.
Date: 2001-Jan-04 07:47
By: gvanrossum
This is a reasonable idea. Jeremy, if you have a minute, can you review
Date: 2000-Nov-21 03:18
By: moshez
It looks good, except for accepting tuples: that's, IMHO,
unneeded featurism.
If it is accepted, here are docs:
(replace the current docs for urlencode by:)
Convert a list of 2-tuples or a dictionary (treated as a
list of (key, value) 2-tuples) to a ``url-encoded'' string, suitable to
pass to
\function{urlopen()} above as the optional \var{data} argument. This
is useful to pass a dictionary of form fields to a \code{POST}
request. The resulting string is a series of
\code{\var{key}=\var{value}} pairs separated by \character{\&}
characters, where both \var{key} and \var{value} are quoted using
\function{quote_plus()} above.
Assigning to Jeremy 'cause he seems the urllib guy <wink>
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