[Patches] [Patch #101264] Attribute Doc-Strings (PEP 224)

noreply@sourceforge.net noreply@sourceforge.net
Sat, 10 Feb 2001 07:03:14 -0800

Patch #101264 has been updated. 

Project: python
Category: core (C code)
Status: Open
Submitted by: lemburg
Assigned to : gvanrossum
Summary: Attribute Doc-Strings (PEP 224)


Date: 2001-Feb-10 07:03
By: gvanrossum

Reopened so I can think about how to respond.  My gut still says not now.

Date: 2001-Jan-04 11:43
By: lemburg

Perhaps we should rediscuss the PEP on python-dev ? 

I really have a strong need to add documentation to attributes in a way
which is
compatible with the existing __doc__ string facilities, so I'd appreciate

Date: 2001-Jan-04 07:53
By: gvanrossum

This is (poresumably) for PEP 224, which is marked as pie-in-the-sky and
thus won't be considered for 2.1.  Really, I should pronounce on that PEP
(I don't like it very much but haven't found the right argument to reject
it :-) so this patch can either go in be rejected.


Date: 2000-Aug-23 02:22
By: lemburg

This patch implements the proposed addition of doc-strings
for e.g. class attribute, module attributes, etc.

See the upcoming PEP for details (the PEP was already submitted to the
PEP editor for review).

Here's a shot excerpt:

    class C:
	    " class C doc-string "

	    a = 1
	    " attribute C.a doc-string (1)"

	    b = 2
	    " attribute C.b doc-string (2)"

results in following new class attributes to be created:

    C.__doc__a__ == " attribute C.a doc-string (1)"
    C.__doc__b__ == " attribute C.b doc-string (2)"


Date: 2000-Aug-23 08:21
By: tim_one

Postponed due to 2.0 feature freeze and assigned to the release manager for

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