[Patches] [Patch #103777] Cannot build Python-2.1a2 on Windows 2000
Tue, 13 Feb 2001 23:15:29 -0800
Patch #103777 has been updated.
Project: python
Category: Build
Status: Open
Submitted by: dkuhlman2
Assigned to : bwarsaw
Summary: Cannot build Python-2.1a2 on Windows 2000
Date: 2001-Feb-13 23:15
By: tim_one
Assigned to Barry not because he can fix it, but because I don't understand
what CVS does here. Is there some flag I have to set on these things to
make sure they retain the Windows line-ends when somebody else checks them
I see that the three files mentioned here don't have a "-kb" thingie in my
local CVS/Entries file, while the other .dsp files do. That's almost
certainly because all 3 were created recently, and I just did "cvs add ...
cvs commit" on them. They've definitely got Windows line-ends on my box.
I figure the "b" in "kb" stands for "Bass player", so I'm asking you for a
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